Terrier IR Platform 2.2.1 |
v = <0, 2b, 4b, ...
- readSkewedGolomb(int) -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.compression.BitInputStream
- Reads a skewed-golomb encoded integer from the underlying stream
Consider a bucket-vector
v = readString() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.FileRunIterator
- Reads the String identifying a term from the underlying stream.
- readTermFrequency() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.FileRunIterator
- Reads the term frequency for the current posting, and aligns the stream.
- readUnary() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.compression.BitFile
- Reads a unary encoded integer from the underlying stream
- readUnary() -
Method in interface uk.ac.gla.terrier.compression.BitIn
- Reads a unary encoded integer from the underlying stream
- readUnary() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.compression.BitInputStream
- Reads a unary encoded integer from the underlying stream
- readUnary() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.compression.OldBitFile
- Reads a unary integer from the already read buffer.
- readUnary() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.compression.OldBitInputStream
- Reads a unary encoded integer from the stream.
- ready() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.LookAheadReader
- Indicates whether there are more characters
available to read from the stream.
- ready() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.LookAheadStream
- Indicates whether there are more characters
available to read from the stream.
- REC_LOG_2_OF_E -
Static variable in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.models.Idf
- The reciprocal of CONSTANT, computed for efficiency.
- reduce(MapEmittedTerm, Iterator<MapEmittedPostingList>, OutputCollector<Object, Object>, Reporter) -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.indexing.hadoop.Hadoop_BasicSinglePassIndexer
- Main reduce algorithm step.
- relGrade -
Variable in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.evaluation.TRECQrelsInMemory.QrelsHashSet
- All relevance grades indicated in the qrels.
- relGradeDocnosMap -
Variable in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.evaluation.TRECQrelsInMemory.QrelsHashSet
- A hashmap from the relevance grade to a hashset containing ids of
documents with the given relevance grade.
- remove() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.RunIterator
- unsupported iterator method
- rename(String, String) -
Static method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.Files
- rename a file or directory.
- rename(String, String) -
Method in interface uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.io.FileSystem
- rename a file/dir to another name, on the same file system
- rename(String, String) -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.io.HTTPFileSystem
- rename a file/dir to another name, on the same file system
- rename(String, String) -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.io.LocalFileSystem
- rename a file/dir to another name, on the same file system
- renderFolders() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.applications.desktop.IndexFolders
- reOpenLegacyBitFile() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.DirectIndex
- forces the data structure to reopen the underlying bitfile
using the legacy implementation of BitFile (OldBitFile)
- reOpenLegacyBitFile() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.DirectIndexInputStream
- forces the data structure to reopen the underlying bitfile
using the legacy implementation of BitFile (OldBitFile)
- reOpenLegacyBitFile() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.InvertedIndex
- forces the data structure to reopen the underlying bitfile
using the legacy implementation of BitFile (OldBitFile)
- reOpenLegacyBitFile() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.InvertedIndexInputStream
- forces the data structure to reopen the underlying bitfile
using the legacy implementation of BitFile (OldBitFile)
- Request - Class in uk.ac.gla.terrier.querying
- Request
SearchRequest contains the details of the search engine for one query, including the query itself,
the resultset, and the controls.
- Request() -
Constructor for class uk.ac.gla.terrier.querying.Request
- RequiredTermModifier - Class in uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.tsms
- Resets the scores of documents according to whether a term is required
or not, and whether it appears in the retrieved documents.
- RequiredTermModifier(boolean) -
Constructor for class uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.tsms.RequiredTermModifier
- Constructs an instance of a TermInFieldModifier given the
requirement that the term should, or should not appear
in the query.
- RequirementQuery - Class in uk.ac.gla.terrier.querying.parser
- Models a query where the query terms have been qualified
with a requirement operator, either plus, or minus.
- RequirementQuery() -
Constructor for class uk.ac.gla.terrier.querying.parser.RequirementQuery
- An empty default constructor.
- reset() -
Method in interface uk.ac.gla.terrier.indexing.Collection
- Resets the Collection iterator to the start of the collection.
- reset() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.indexing.SimpleFileCollection
- Starts again from the beginning of the collection.
- reset() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.indexing.SimpleXMLCollection
- reset() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.indexing.TRECCollection
- Resets the collection object back to the beginning
of the collection.
- reset() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.TRECQuery
- Resets the query index.
- reset() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.LookAheadReader
- Reset the stream.
- reset() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.LookAheadStream
- Reset the stream.
- reset() -
Method in interface uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.MemoryChecker
- Reset the flag, memory has been released
- reset() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.RuntimeMemoryChecker
- Reset the out of memory flag
- reset() -
Static method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.TermCodes
- Resets the hashmap that contains the mapping
from the terms to the term ids.
- resetBuffer() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.DirectIndexBuilder
- Resets the internal buffer for writing data.
- restart() -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.TerrierTimer
- Reset the timer.
- ResultSet - Interface in uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching
- The interface that defines the functionalities of a
result set.
- reverse(String) -
Static method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.upgrading.ReverseFile
- Traverses an inverted file written with the old terrier version, and writes it in the new compressed format.
- reverseByte(int) -
Static method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.upgrading.ReverseFile
- Reverses one byte.
- reverseByteByByte(String, String) -
Static method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.upgrading.ReverseFile
- Reverses a file reading byte to byte
- ReverseFile - Class in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.upgrading
- This class provides some utilities for handling inverted files from the old terrier version.
- ReverseFile() -
Constructor for class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.upgrading.ReverseFile
- risk(double, double, double) -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.models.languagemodel.LanguageModel
- The method provides the contract for computing the risk of retrieving
a seen query term.
- risk(double, double, double) -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.models.languagemodel.PonteCroft
- The method computes the risk of retrieving a seen query term.
Variable in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.models.queryexpansion.QueryExpansionModel
- Rocchio's beta for query expansion.
- RomanianSnowballStemmer - Class in uk.ac.gla.terrier.terms
- Romanian stemmer implmented by Snowball.
- RomanianSnowballStemmer(TermPipeline) -
Constructor for class uk.ac.gla.terrier.terms.RomanianSnowballStemmer
- round(double, int) -
Static method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.Rounding
- Round a double alue to a specified number of decimal places.
- round(float, int) -
Static method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.Rounding
- Round a float value to a specified number of decimal
- Rounding - Class in uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility
- A class for performing the rounding of a number
in various ways for various applications.
- Rounding() -
Constructor for class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.Rounding
- run() -
Method in class TrecTerrier
- Calls the required classes from Terrier.
- RunIterator - Class in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass
- An abstract base class which allows PostingInRuns to be iterated over.
- RunIteratorFactory - Class in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass
- Base class for Factories of RunIterators.
- RunIteratorFactory() -
Constructor for class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.RunIteratorFactory
- runMatching(SearchRequest) -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.querying.Manager
- Runs the weighting and matching stage - this the main entry
into the rest of the Terrier framework.
- runPostFilters(SearchRequest) -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.querying.Manager
- Runs the PostFilter modules in order added.
- runPostProcessing(SearchRequest) -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.querying.Manager
- Runs the PostProcessing modules in order added.
- runPreProcessing(SearchRequest) -
Method in class uk.ac.gla.terrier.querying.Manager
- runPreProcessing
- RunsMerger - Class in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass
- Merges a set of N runs using a priority queue.
- RunsMerger(RunIteratorFactory) -
Constructor for class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.RunsMerger
- RunsMerger.PostingComparator - Class in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass
- Implements a comparator for RunIterators (so it can be used by the queue).
- RunsMerger.PostingComparator() -
Constructor for class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.RunsMerger.PostingComparator
- RuntimeMemoryChecker - Class in uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility
- A memory checker that uses the Java Runtime instance to check the amount of available memory.
- RuntimeMemoryChecker() -
Constructor for class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.RuntimeMemoryChecker
- Default constructor.
- RuntimeMemoryChecker(long, double) -
Constructor for class uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility.RuntimeMemoryChecker
- Construct a RuntimeMemoryChecker.
- RunWriter - Class in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass
- This class writes a run to disk.
- RunWriter(String, String) -
Constructor for class uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.RunWriter
- Instanciates a RunWriter, given the filenames to write.
- RussianSnowballStemmer - Class in uk.ac.gla.terrier.terms
- Russian stemmer implmented by Snowball.
- RussianSnowballStemmer(TermPipeline) -
Constructor for class uk.ac.gla.terrier.terms.RussianSnowballStemmer
Terrier IR Platform 2.2.1 |