Terrier IR Platform

Package uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility

Provides the interface and classes for the term pipeline, a set of objects that process the terms during indexing and processing of queries.


Interface Summary
Files.FSCapability constants declaring which capabilites a file system has
MemoryChecker Interface for various implementation which are used to determine if memory has been exhausted.

Class Summary
ApplicationSetup This class retrieves and provides access to all the constants and parameters for the system.
ArrayUtils Handy methods for resizing arrays, and other handy array methods This is a fresh implementation of the capacity methods, without the use of any prelicensed code.
FieldScore A class for modifying the retrieval scores of documents, according to whether the query terms appear to any of the fields, or tags specified by the property FieldTags.process.
Files Utililty class for opening readers/writers and input/output streams to files.
HeapSort An implementation of the heap sort algorithm as described in Cormen et al.
LookAheadReader Implements a Reader, that encapsulates another stream, but only upto the point that a pre-defined end marker in the stream is identified.
LookAheadStream Implements an InputStream, that encapsulates another stream, but only upto the point that a pre-defined end marker in the stream is identified.
LookAheadStreamCaseInsensitive Version of LookAheadStream that is case-insensitive
Rounding A class for performing the rounding of a number in various ways for various applications.
RuntimeMemoryChecker A memory checker that uses the Java Runtime instance to check the amount of available memory.
StaTools This class implements a series of basic statistical functions.
StringComparator Compares two strings which may have fixed length fields separated with a non word character (eg a dash), and a last field which corresponds to an integer.
StringTools This class implements useful string functions
TagSet A class that models a set of tags to process (white list), a set of tags to skip (black list), a tag that is used as a document delimiter, and a tag the contents of which are used as a unique identifier.
TermCodes This class is used for assigning codes to terms as we index a document collection.
TerrierTimer This class implements a timer.
Wrapper<T> Generic mutatble Wrapper class - allows non-mutatable class to be wrapped in mutatable classes, and re-accessed later.

Package uk.ac.gla.terrier.utility Description

Provides the interface and classes for the term pipeline, a set of objects that process the terms during indexing and processing of queries.

This package includes classes that are used in various part of the Terrier Platform.

Terrier IR Platform

Terrier Information Retrieval Platform 2.2.1. Copyright 2004-2008 University of Glasgow