Uses of Interface

Packages that use BitIndexPointer
org.terrier.matching Provides the classes and interfaces used for matching documents to queries. 
org.terrier.querying Provides the interfaces and classes for the querying API of the Terrier platform, the controls, post processors and filters. 
org.terrier.structures Provides the classes that implement the data structures used for retrieval with the Terrier platform. 

Uses of BitIndexPointer in org.terrier.matching

Fields in org.terrier.matching with type parameters of type BitIndexPointer
protected  PostingIndex<BitIndexPointer> OldBasicMatching.invertedIndex
          The inverted file.
protected  PostingIndex<BitIndexPointer> BaseMatching.invertedIndex
          The inverted file.

Uses of BitIndexPointer in org.terrier.querying

Fields in org.terrier.querying with type parameters of type BitIndexPointer
protected  PostingIndex<BitIndexPointer> QueryExpansion.directIndex
          The direct index used for retrieval.
protected  PostingIndex<BitIndexPointer> DFRBagExpansionTerms.directIndex

Constructor parameters in org.terrier.querying with type arguments of type BitIndexPointer
DFRBagExpansionTerms(CollectionStatistics collStats, Lexicon<java.lang.String> _lexicon, PostingIndex<BitIndexPointer> _directIndex, DocumentIndex _documentIndex)
          Constructs an instance of ExpansionTerms.

Uses of BitIndexPointer in org.terrier.structures

Classes in org.terrier.structures that implement BitIndexPointer
 class BasicDocumentIndexEntry
          A basic document index entry.
 class BasicLexiconEntry
          Contains all the information about one entry in the Lexicon.
 class BlockFieldLexiconEntry
          A LexiconEntry with field support
 class BlockLexiconEntry
          Blocks lexicon entry.
 class DocumentIndexEntry
          A document index entry.
 class FieldDocumentIndexEntry
          A document index entry for use with fields
 class FieldLexiconEntry
          A LexiconEntry with field support
 class SimpleBitIndexPointer
          An implementation of a BitIndexPointer.
 class SimpleDocumentIndexEntry
          A document index entry that doesn't write out direct index offset.

Fields in org.terrier.structures declared as BitIndexPointer
protected  BitIndexPointer BitPostingIndexInputStream.currentPointer

Fields in org.terrier.structures with type parameters of type BitIndexPointer
protected  java.util.Iterator<? extends BitIndexPointer> BitPostingIndexInputStream.pointerList
          the lexicon input stream providing the offsets

Methods in org.terrier.structures that return BitIndexPointer
protected  BitIndexPointer BitPostingIndexInputStream._next()
protected  BitIndexPointer DirectInvertedOutputStream.writeNoFieldPostings(int[][] postings, int offset, int length, int firstId)
          Writes the given postings to the bit file.
protected  BitIndexPointer BlockDirectInvertedOutputStream.writeNoFieldPostings(int[][] postings, int offset, int length, int firstId)
          Writes the given block postings to the bit file.
 BitIndexPointer DirectInvertedOutputStream.writePostings(int[][] postings, int firstId)
          Write out the specified postings.
 BitIndexPointer DirectInvertedOutputStream.writePostings(int[][] postings, int startOffset, int Length, int firstId)
          Write out a range of the specified postings.
 BitIndexPointer DirectInvertedOutputStream.writePostings(IterablePosting postings)
          Write out the specified postings.
 BitIndexPointer DirectInvertedOutputStream.writePostings(IterablePosting postings, int previousId)
          Write out the specified postings, but allowing the delta for the first document to be adjusted
 BitIndexPointer DirectInvertedOutputStream.writePostings(java.util.Iterator<Posting> iterator)
          Write out the specified postings.
 BitIndexPointer DirectInvertedOutputStream.writePostings(java.util.Iterator<Posting> iterator, int previousId)
          Write out the specified postings, but allowing the delta for the first document to be adjusted

Methods in org.terrier.structures with parameters of type BitIndexPointer
protected  DocumentIndex DirectIndexInputStream.getDocumentIndex(BitIndexPointer pointer)
protected  DocumentIndex BitPostingIndexInputStream.getDocumentIndex(BitIndexPointer pointer)
 int[][] InvertedIndex.getDocuments(BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Get the documents for for the posting list using the pointer given
 int[][] BlockInvertedIndex.getDocuments(BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Returns a 2D array containing the document ids, the term frequencies, the field scores the block frequencies and the block ids for the given documents.
protected  int[][] InvertedIndexInputStream.getNextDocuments(BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Get the set of documents for the given term pointer
protected  int[][] BlockInvertedIndexInputStream.getNextDocuments(BitIndexPointer pointer)
 int[][] DirectIndexInputStream.getNextTerms(BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Get the terms for the next document at the pointer specified
 int[][] BlockDirectIndexInputStream.getNextTerms(BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Get the terms for the next document at the pointer specified
 IterablePosting InvertedIndex.getPostings(BitIndexPointer pointer)
 IterablePosting BitPostingIndex.getPostings(BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Get the posting given a pointer
 int[][] DirectIndex.getTerms(BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Get the terms for the document at the specified bit index pointer.
 int[][] BlockDirectIndex.getTerms(BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Get the terms for the document at the specified bit index pointer.
protected  IterablePosting BitPostingIndexInputStream.loadPostingIterator(BitIndexPointer pointer)
 void SimpleDocumentIndexEntry.setBitIndexPointer(BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Update this pointer to reflect the same values as the specified pointer
 void SimpleBitIndexPointer.setBitIndexPointer(BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Update this pointer to reflect the same values as the specified pointer
 void BitIndexPointer.setBitIndexPointer(BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Update this pointer to reflect the same values as the specified pointer
 void BasicTermStatsLexiconEntry.setBitIndexPointer(BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Sets the bit index pointer to this LexiconEntry
 void BasicLexiconEntry.setBitIndexPointer(BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Update this pointer to reflect the same values as the specified pointer
 void BasicDocumentIndexEntry.setBitIndexPointer(BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Update this pointer to reflect the same values as the specified pointer

Constructors in org.terrier.structures with parameters of type BitIndexPointer
BasicDocumentIndexEntry(int length, BitIndexPointer pointer)
          Constructs an instance of the BasicDocumentIndexEntry.

Constructor parameters in org.terrier.structures with type arguments of type BitIndexPointer
BitPostingIndexInputStream(Index _index, java.lang.String _structureName, java.util.Iterator<? extends BitIndexPointer> _pointerList, java.lang.Class<? extends IterablePosting> _postingIteratorClass)
          Constructs an instance of BitPostingIndexInputStream.
DirectIndexInputStream(Index _index, java.lang.String structureName, java.util.Iterator<? extends BitIndexPointer> _pointerList, java.lang.Class<? extends IterablePosting> _postingIteratorClass)

Terrier 3.5. Copyright © 2004-2011 University of Glasgow