Package org.terrier.structures

Provides the classes that implement the data structures used for retrieval with the Terrier platform.


Interface Summary
BitFilePosition A bit file position
BitIndexPointer A pointer implementation for BitPostingIndex structures.
BlockEntryStatistics Interface describing the statistics for a block entry.
Closeable Deprecated. Use instead
DocumentIndex Interface for a document index.
EntryStatistics An interface for basic statistics about a lexical entry (usually a term)
FieldDocumentIndex Interface for a fields document index
FieldEntryStatistics The statistics for a field entry
IndexConfigurable Interface defining that an index structure wants access to the Index object it is associated with.
MetaIndex Interface for document metadata.
Pointer A base interface for all pointers
PostingIndex<POINTERTYPE extends Pointer> An interface for accessing a posting list.
PostingIndexInputStream Interface for reading postings from an input stream
Skipable Interface denoting implementations which can skip forward in a stream by a number of entries.

Class Summary
BasicDocumentIndexEntry A basic document index entry.
BasicDocumentIndexEntry.Factory Returna a factory for creating document index entries
BasicLexiconEntry Contains all the information about one entry in the Lexicon.
BasicLexiconEntry.Factory Factory for creating LexiconEntry objects
BasicTermStatsLexiconEntry A LexiconEntry which only contains EntryStatistics
BitPostingIndex Class for various bit compressed index implementations, including parents to current DirectIndex and InvertedIndex implementations.
BitPostingIndexInputStream Input stream for a bit posting index.
BlockDirectIndex Extended direct index that saves both block and field information about the terms that appear in a document.
BlockDirectIndexInputStream This class reads the block field direct index structure sequentially, as an input stream.
BlockDirectInvertedOutputStream Writes a block direct or block inverted index, when passed appropriate posting lists.
BlockFieldDirectInvertedOutputStream Writes out a blocks and fields direct index to an output stream
BlockFieldLexiconEntry A LexiconEntry with field support
BlockFieldLexiconEntry.Factory Factory for creating LexiconEntries
BlockInvertedIndex This class implements the block field inverted index for performing retrieval.
BlockInvertedIndexInputStream Reads a BlockInvertedIndex as a stream
BlockLexiconEntry Blocks lexicon entry.
BlockLexiconEntry.Factory Factory for creating block lexicon entries
CollectionStatistics This class provides basic statistics for the indexed collection of documents, such as the average length of documents, or the total number of documents in the collection.
CompressingMetaIndex A MetaIndex implementation that compresses contents.
CompressingMetaIndex.CompressingMetaIndexInputFormat A Hadoop input format for a compressing meta index (allows the reading of a meta index as input to a MapReduce job.
CompressingMetaIndex.InputStream An iterator for reading a MetaIndex as a stream
DirectIndex A class that implements the direct index and saves information about whether a term appears in one of the specified fields.
DirectIndexInputStream This class reads the direct index structure, sequentially, as an input stream.
DirectInvertedDocidOnlyOuptutStream A BitPosting writing class that doesnt write any frequency information
DirectInvertedOutputStream Writes a block direct or block inverted index, when passed appropriate posting lists.
DocumentIndexEntry A document index entry.
FieldDirectInvertedOutputStream Bit out class for writing a posting list with fields
FieldDocumentIndexEntry A document index entry for use with fields
FieldDocumentIndexEntry.Factory Factory for creating a field document index entry
FieldLexiconEntry A LexiconEntry with field support
FieldLexiconEntry.Factory Factory for a LexiconEntry
FilePosition Models a position within a file as the offset in bytes and the offset in bits in that byte.
FSADocumentIndex Document Index saved as a fixed size array
FSADocumentIndex.FSADocumentIndexIterator Gets an iterator over the documents in this index
FSAFieldDocumentIndex Fields document index stored as a fixed size array
FSOMapFileLexicon Instance of a Lexicon where a FSOrderedMapFile is always used as a backing store.
FSOMapFileLexicon.MapFileLexiconEntryIterator Iterate through the values in order
FSOMapFileLexicon.MapFileLexiconIterator An iterator over the lexicon
FSOMapFileLexiconOutputStream A LexiconOutputStream for FSOMapFileLexicon.
Index This class encapsulates all the Indexes at retrieval time.
IndexUtil Class with handy utilities for use on an Index.
InvertedIndex This class implements the inverted index for performing retrieval, with field information optionally.
InvertedIndexInputStream Reads an InvertedIndex as a stream
Lexicon<KEY> Abstract Lexicon implementation.
LexiconEntry Represents the statistics of a term in the Lexicon, and a pointer to the term's location in the InvertedIndex.
LexiconOutputStream<KEY> This class implements an output stream for the lexicon structure.
LexiconUtil Lexicon utilities class.
MapLexicon Implementation of a lexicon.
SimpleBitIndexPointer An implementation of a BitIndexPointer.
SimpleBitIndexPointer.Factory Factory class for SimpleBitIndexPointer.
SimpleDocumentIndexEntry A document index entry that doesn't write out direct index offset.
SimpleDocumentIndexEntry.Factory Factory for the creation of DocumentIndexEntry objects
SingleLineTRECQuery This class can be used to extract batch queries from a simpler format than the regular SGML TREC format.
TRECQuery This class is used for reading the queries from TREC topic files.

Package org.terrier.structures Description

Provides the classes that implement the data structures used for retrieval with the Terrier platform.

These include the implementations of the inverted index, the direct index, the lexicon and the document index.

Terrier 3.5. Copyright © 2004-2011 University of Glasgow