Uses of Class

Packages that use Index
org.terrier.applications Provides application-level code that use the Terrier platform to perform indexing and retrieval from either standard test collections, interactive querying of a indexed collection, or desktop search. 
org.terrier.indexing Provides classes and interfaces related to the indexing of documents. 
org.terrier.indexing.hadoop Provides classes for Terrier's MapReduce indexer. 
org.terrier.matching Provides the classes and interfaces used for matching documents to queries. 
org.terrier.matching.daat Provides classes that implement a document-at-a-time (DAAT) matching strategy. 
org.terrier.matching.dsms Provides the interface and the classes for modifying the scores of documents after an score has been assigned to documents, or implementing the combination of evidence. 
org.terrier.matching.models Provides the classes that implement various weighting models. 
org.terrier.matching.taat Provides classes that implement a term-at-a-time (TAAT) matching strategy. 
org.terrier.matching.tsms Provides the interface and classes that implement the term score modifiers, which modify the scores assigned to documents for a particular term. 
org.terrier.querying Provides the interfaces and classes for the querying API of the Terrier platform, the controls, post processors and filters. 
org.terrier.structures Provides the classes that implement the data structures used for retrieval with the Terrier platform. 
org.terrier.structures.collections Provides data structures various data structures. 
org.terrier.structures.indexing Provides the classes used for creating the data structures of the Terrier platform. 
org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass Provides implementation of the structures needed for performing a single pass indexing 
org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.hadoop Provides classes implemeting the Hadoop MapReduce indexing in Terrier. 
org.terrier.structures.merging Provides classes for merging two sets of data structures, created by Terrier, into one set of data structures. This package includes classes that are used for various IO duties within Terrier. 

Uses of Index in org.terrier.applications

Fields in org.terrier.applications declared as Index
protected  Index TRECQuerying.index
          The object that encapsulates the data structures used by Terrier.
protected  Index InteractiveQuerying.index
          The data structures used.

Methods in org.terrier.applications that return Index
 Index TRECQuerying.getIndex()
          Get the index pointer.

Methods in org.terrier.applications with parameters of type Index
 void TRECQuerying.setIndex(Index i)
          Set the index pointer.

Constructors in org.terrier.applications with parameters of type Index
TRECQuerying.NullOutputFormat(Index i)
          Created a new NullOuputFormat
TRECQuerying.TRECDocidOutputFormat(Index index)
          Creates a new TRECDocidOutputFormat.
TRECQuerying.TRECDocnoOutputFormat(Index _index)
          Create a TRECDocnoOutputFormat using the specified index for looking up the docnos
TRECQuerying(Index i)
          TRECQuerying constructor initialises the specified inverted index, the lexicon and the document index structures.
TRECQueryingExpansion(Index i)
          Deprecated. TRECQueryExpansion - Index constructor.

Uses of Index in org.terrier.indexing

Fields in org.terrier.indexing declared as Index
protected  Index Indexer.currentIndex
          The index being worked on, denoted by path and prefix

Methods in org.terrier.indexing that return Index
 Index ExtensibleSinglePassIndexer.getCurrentIndex()
          Get the index currently being constructed by this indexer.

Uses of Index in org.terrier.indexing.hadoop

Methods in org.terrier.indexing.hadoop with parameters of type Index
protected  void Hadoop_BasicSinglePassIndexer.mergeDocumentIndex(Index[] src, int numdocs)
          Merges the simple document indexes made for each map, instead creating the final document index

Uses of Index in org.terrier.matching

Fields in org.terrier.matching declared as Index
protected  Index TRECResultsMatching.index
          The underlying index.
protected  Index PostingListManager.index
          underlying index
protected  Index OldBasicMatching.index
          The index used for retrieval.
protected  Index BaseMatching.index
          The index used for retrieval.

Methods in org.terrier.matching with parameters of type Index
 void PostingListManager.PostingListManagerPlugin.processQuery(MatchingQueryTerms mqt, Index index, PostingListManager plm)
          process the query, given matchign query terms, index and posting list manager

Constructors in org.terrier.matching with parameters of type Index
BaseMatching(Index _index)
          Constructs an instance of the BaseMatching
OldBasicMatching(Index _index)
          A default constructor that creates the CollectionResultSet and initialises the document and term modifier containers.
PostingListManager(Index _index, CollectionStatistics cs)
          Create a posting list manager for the given index and statistics
PostingListManager(Index _index, CollectionStatistics _cs, MatchingQueryTerms mqt)
          Create a posting list manager for the given index and statistics, and populated using the specified MatchingQueryTerms.
PostingListManager(Index _index, CollectionStatistics _cs, MatchingQueryTerms mqt, boolean splitSynonyms)
          Create a posting list manager for the given index and statistics, and populated using the specified MatchingQueryTerms.
TRECResultsMatching(Index _index)
          Contructs an instance of the TRECResultsMatching given an index.
TRECResultsMatching(Index _index, String _filename)
          Contructs an instance of the TRECResultsMatching.
TRECResultsMatching(Index _index, String _filename, String defDSMs)
          Contructs an instance of the TRECResultsMatching.

Uses of Index in org.terrier.matching.daat

Constructors in org.terrier.matching.daat with parameters of type Index
Full(Index index)
          Create a new Matching instance based on the specified index
FullNoPLM(Index index)
          Create a new Matching instance based on the specified index

Uses of Index in org.terrier.matching.dsms

Methods in org.terrier.matching.dsms with parameters of type Index
protected  void DependenceScoreModifier.doDependency(Index index, EntryStatistics[] es, IterablePosting[] ips, ResultSet rs, double[] phraseTermWeights, boolean SD)
 void SimpleStaticScoreModifier.init(Index index)
protected  void SimpleStaticScoreModifier.loadDocno2score_seq(Index index)
protected  void SimpleStaticScoreModifier.loadDocno2score(Index index)
protected  void SimpleStaticScoreModifier.loadScorefile(Index index)
 boolean SimpleStaticScoreModifier.modifyScores(Index index, MatchingQueryTerms queryTerms, ResultSet set)
          Modifies the scores of the documents for a given query.
 boolean ResetScores.modifyScores(Index index, MatchingQueryTerms queryTerms, ResultSet resultSet)
 boolean PhraseScoreModifier.modifyScores(Index index, MatchingQueryTerms terms, ResultSet resultSet)
 boolean MRFDependenceScoreModifier.modifyScores(Index index, MatchingQueryTerms terms, ResultSet set)
          Modifies the scores of documents, in which there exist, or there does not exist a given phrase.
 boolean DocumentScoreModifier.modifyScores(Index index, MatchingQueryTerms queryTerms, ResultSet resultSet)
          Modifies the scores of the documents for a given query.
 boolean DependenceScoreModifier.modifyScores(Index index, MatchingQueryTerms terms, ResultSet set)
          Modifies the scores of documents, in which there exist, or there does not exist a given phrase.
 boolean DFRDependenceScoreModifier.modifyScores(Index index, MatchingQueryTerms terms, ResultSet set)
 boolean BooleanScoreModifier.modifyScores(Index index, MatchingQueryTerms query, ResultSet resultSet)
          Zeros the scores of documents in which only some of the query terms appear.
 boolean BooleanFallback.modifyScores(Index index, MatchingQueryTerms queryTerms, ResultSet resultSet)
          Applies boolean fallback to the given result set.
protected  void DependenceScoreModifier.openPostingLists(Index index, LexiconEntry[] les, IterablePosting[] ips)
          Opens the posting list for an index and lexicon entry
 void MRFDependenceScoreModifier.setCollectionStatistics(CollectionStatistics cs, Index _index)
          Sets the collection statistics used to score the documents (number of documents in the collection, etc)
 void DependenceScoreModifier.setCollectionStatistics(CollectionStatistics cs, Index _index)
          Sets the collection statistics used to score the documents (number of documents in the collection, etc)

Uses of Index in org.terrier.matching.models

Methods in org.terrier.matching.models with parameters of type Index
static WeightingModel WeightingModelFactory.newInstance(String name, Index index)
          Returns the requested weighting model for the specified index.

Uses of Index in org.terrier.matching.taat

Constructors in org.terrier.matching.taat with parameters of type Index
Full(Index index)
          Create a new Matching instance based on the specified index
FullNoPLM(Index index)
          Create a new Matching instance based on the specified index

Uses of Index in org.terrier.matching.tsms

Fields in org.terrier.matching.tsms declared as Index
protected  Index TermInFieldModifier.index

Methods in org.terrier.matching.tsms with parameters of type Index
 void TermInFieldModifier.setIndex(Index i)
          Tell the implementer which Index object it is associated with.

Uses of Index in org.terrier.querying

Fields in org.terrier.querying declared as Index
protected  Index Request.index
          index will not be passed across RMI
protected  Index Manager.index
          The index this querying comes from
protected  Index FeedbackSelector.index
protected  Index QueryExpansion.lastIndex

Fields in org.terrier.querying with type parameters of type Index
protected  Map<Index,Map<String,Matching>> Manager.Cache_Matching
          Cache loaded Matching models per Index in this map

Methods in org.terrier.querying that return Index
 Index Request.getIndex()
          Returns the index to be used for this query
 Index Manager.getIndex()
          Returns the index used by the manager.
protected  Index QueryExpansion.getIndex(Manager m)
          For easier sub-classing of which index the query expansion comes from

Methods in org.terrier.querying with parameters of type Index
 void Request.setIndex(Index _index)
          Set the index to be used for this query
 void RelevantOnlyFeedbackDocuments.setIndex(Index index)
          Set the index to be used
 void RelevanceFeedbackSelectorDocids.setIndex(Index index)
          Set the index to be used
 void RelevanceFeedbackSelector.setIndex(Index index)
          Set the index to be used
 void FeedbackSelector.setIndex(Index _index)
          Set the index to be used
protected  void Manager.useThisIndex(Index i)
          use the index specified for the Manager

Constructors in org.terrier.querying with parameters of type Index
Manager(Index _index)
          Construct a Manager using the specified Index Throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified index is null

Uses of Index in org.terrier.structures

Fields in org.terrier.structures declared as Index
protected  Index FSOMapFileLexiconOutputStream.index
protected  Index BitPostingIndexInputStream.index
protected  Index BitPostingIndex.index

Methods in org.terrier.structures that return Index
static Index Index.createIndex()
          Factory method for creating an index.
static Index Index.createIndex(String path, String prefix)
          Factory method for load an index.
static Index Index.createNewIndex(String path, String prefix)
          Factory method create a new index.
static Index IndexUtil.reOpenIndex(Index index)
          Reopen an existing index

Methods in org.terrier.structures with parameters of type Index
static void FSOMapFileLexiconOutputStream.addLexiconToIndex(Index index, String structureName, String leValueClassname)
          Adds Lexicon to index
static void IndexUtil.configure(Index index, Object o)
          Configures an object with the index, if the object implements IndexConfigurable
static boolean IndexUtil.copyStructure(Index sourceIndex, Index destIndex, String sourceStructureName, String destinationStructureName)
          Copies an index structure from one index to another.
static boolean IndexUtil.deleteStructure(Index index, String structureName)
          Delete the named structure from the specified index.
static void IndexUtil.forceReloadStructure(Index index, String structureName)
          Forces a structure to be reloaded, by removing it from the index's structure cache
static void IndexUtil.forceStructure(Index index, String structureName, Object structure)
          Force the specified object into the structure cache of the specified object, as the given structure name
static String BitPostingIndexInputStream.getFilename(Index _index, String structureName, byte fileCount, byte fileId)
          Returns filename
static String[] IndexUtil.getStructures(Index index)
          Returns a list of the structures in the given index
protected  void FSAFieldDocumentIndex.initialise(Index index, String structureName)
protected  void FSADocumentIndex.initialise(Index index, String structureName)
protected  void CompressingMetaIndex.loadIndex(Index index, String structureName)
static void FSOMapFileLexicon.optimise(String structureName, Index index, LexiconBuilder.CollectionStatisticsCounter statsCounter)
          Does two things to a FSOMapFileLexicon: adds the termid lookup file (if required), and also creates the lexicon has file.
static void FSOMapFileLexicon.optimise(String structureName, Index index, LexiconBuilder.CollectionStatisticsCounter statsCounter, int numEntries)
static void IndexUtil.printDocumentIndex(Index index, String structureName)
          Print the contents of the document index
static void LexiconUtil.printLexicon(Index index, String structureName)
          Prints Lexicon
static void IndexUtil.printMetaIndex(Index index, String structureName)
          Print the contents of the meta index
static boolean IndexUtil.renameIndexStructure(Index index, String sourceStructureName, String destinationStructureName)
          Rename a structure within a given index.
static Index IndexUtil.reOpenIndex(Index index)
          Reopen an existing index
 void IndexConfigurable.setIndex(Index i)
          Tell the implementer which Index object it is associated with.
 void BlockInvertedIndex.setIndex(Index i)
          let it know which index to use

Constructors in org.terrier.structures with parameters of type Index
BitPostingIndex(Index _index, String _structureName, Class<? extends IterablePosting> _postingImplementation)
          Constructs an instance of the BitPostingIndex.
BitPostingIndexInputStream(Index _index, String _structureName, Iterator<? extends BitIndexPointer> _pointerList, Class<? extends IterablePosting> _postingIteratorClass)
          Constructs an instance of BitPostingIndexInputStream.
BlockDirectIndex(Index index, String structureName)
          Constructs an instance of the class with the given index, using the specified structure name.
BlockDirectIndex(Index index, String structureName, Class<? extends IterablePosting> postingClass)
          Constructs an instance of the class with
BlockDirectIndexInputStream(Index index, String structureName)
          Constructs an index of the class with
BlockDirectIndexInputStream(Index index, String structureName, Class<? extends IterablePosting> postingClass)
          Constructs an index of the class with
BlockInvertedIndex(Index index, String structureName)
          Constructs an instance of the class with
BlockInvertedIndex(Index index, String structureName, DocumentIndex doi)
          Constructs an instance of the class with
BlockInvertedIndex(Index index, String structureName, DocumentIndex _doi, Class<? extends IterablePosting> postingClass)
          Constructs an instance of the class with
BlockInvertedIndexInputStream(Index _index, String _structureName)
          Construct an instance of the class with
BlockInvertedIndexInputStream(Index _index, String _structureName, Class<? extends IterablePosting> _postingImplementation)
          Construct an instance of the class with
BlockInvertedIndexInputStream(Index _index, String structureName, Iterator<? extends LexiconEntry> lexInputStream)
          Construct an instance of the class with
BlockInvertedIndexInputStream(Index _index, String structureName, Iterator<? extends LexiconEntry> lexInputStream, Class<? extends IterablePosting> _postingIteratorClass)
          Construct an instance of the class with
CompressingMetaIndex.InputStream(Index _index, String structureName)
          Constructs an instance of the class with
CompressingMetaIndex.InputStream(Index _index, String _structureName, int _startingId, int _endId)
          Constructs an instance of the class with
CompressingMetaIndex(Index index, String structureName)
          Construct an instance of the class with
DirectIndex(Index index, String structureName)
          Constructs an instance of the class with the given index, using the specified structure name.
DirectIndex(Index index, String structureName, Class<? extends IterablePosting> postingClass)
          Constructs an instance of the class with
DirectIndexInputStream(Index index, String structureName)
          Constructs an instance of the class with
DirectIndexInputStream(Index index, String structureName, Class<? extends IterablePosting> postingIterator)
          Constructs an instance of the class with
DirectIndexInputStream(Index _index, String structureName, Iterator<? extends BitIndexPointer> _pointerList, Class<? extends IterablePosting> _postingIteratorClass)
FSADocumentIndex.FSADocumentIndexIterator(Index index, String structureName)
          Construct an instance of the class with
FSADocumentIndex(Index index, String structureName)
          Construct an instance of the class with
FSADocumentIndex(Index index, String structureName, boolean initialise)
FSAFieldDocumentIndex(Index index, String structureName)
          Construct an instance of the class with
FSOMapFileLexicon.MapFileLexiconEntryIterator(String structureName, Index index)
          Construct an instance of the class with
FSOMapFileLexicon.MapFileLexiconIterator(String structureName, Index index)
          Construct an instance of the class with
FSOMapFileLexicon(String structureName, Index index)
          Construct a new FSOMapFileLexicon
FSOMapFileLexiconOutputStream(Index _index, String _structureName, Class<? extends FixedSizeWriteableFactory<LexiconEntry>> valueFactoryClass)
          Construct an instance of the class with
FSOMapFileLexiconOutputStream(Index _index, String _structureName, FixedSizeWriteableFactory<> _keyFactory, Class<? extends FixedSizeWriteableFactory<LexiconEntry>> valueFactoryClass)
          Construct an instance of the class with
FSOMapFileLexiconOutputStream(Index _index, String _structureName, FixedSizeWriteableFactory<> _keyFactory, String valueFactoryClassName)
          Construct an instance of the class with
Index.UpdatingCollectionStatistics(Index index)
InvertedIndex(Index index, String structureName)
          Construct an instance of the class with
InvertedIndex(Index index, String structureName, DocumentIndex _doi)
          Construct an instance of the class with
InvertedIndex(Index index, String structureName, DocumentIndex _doi, Class<? extends IterablePosting> postingClass)
          Construct an instance of the class with
InvertedIndexInputStream(Index _index, String structureName)
          Construct an instance of the class with
InvertedIndexInputStream(Index _index, String structureName, Class<? extends IterablePosting> _postingIteratorClass)
          Construct an instance of the class with
InvertedIndexInputStream(Index _index, String structureName, Iterator<? extends Pointer> lexInputStream)
          Construct an instance of the class with
InvertedIndexInputStream(Index _index, String structureName, Iterator<? extends Pointer> lexInputStream, Class<? extends IterablePosting> _postingIteratorClass)
          Construct an instance of the class with

Uses of Index in org.terrier.structures.collections

Constructors in org.terrier.structures.collections with parameters of type Index
FSArrayFile.ArrayFileIterator(Index index, String structureName)
FSArrayFile(Index index, String structureName)
FSOrderedMapFile(Index index, String structureName)

Uses of Index in org.terrier.structures.indexing

Fields in org.terrier.structures.indexing declared as Index
protected  Index LexiconBuilder.index
protected  Index InvertedIndexBuilder.index
protected  Index DocumentIndexBuilder.index
          index object of the index currently being created
protected  Index CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.index

Methods in org.terrier.structures.indexing with parameters of type Index
static void LexiconBuilder.createLexiconHash(Index index)
          Deprecated. use optimise instead
static void LexiconBuilder.createLexiconIndex(Index index)
          Deprecated. use optimise instead
static void LexiconBuilder.optimise(Index index, String structureName)
          Optimises the lexicon, eg lexid file
static void LexiconBuilder.reAssignTermIds(Index index, String structureName, int numEntries)
          Re-assigned the termids within the named lexicon structure to be ascending with descending term frequency, i.e.
static void CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.reverseAsMapReduceJob(Index index, String structureName, String[] keys)
static void CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.reverseAsMapReduceJob(Index index, String structureName, String[] keys, HadoopPlugin.JobFactory jf)

Constructors in org.terrier.structures.indexing with parameters of type Index
BlockInvertedIndexBuilder(Index index, String structureName)
BlockLexiconBuilder(Index i, String _structureName)
          Deprecated. constructor
CompressingMetaIndexBuilder(Index _index, String[] _keyNames, int[] _valueLens, String[] _forwardKeys)
CompressingMetaIndexBuilder(Index _index, String _structureName, String[] _keyNames, int[] _valueLens, String[] _forwardKeys)
DocumentIndexBuilder(Index i, String _structureName)
          Construct a DocumentIndex associated with the specified index
InvertedIndexBuilder(Index i, String _structureName)
LexiconBuilder.BasicLexiconCollectionStaticticsCounter(Index _index)
LexiconBuilder.BasicLexiconCollectionStaticticsCounter(Index _index, String subset_name)
LexiconBuilder.FieldLexiconCollectionStaticticsCounter(Index _index, int _numFields)
LexiconBuilder(Index i, String _structureName)
LexiconBuilder(Index i, String _structureName, Class<? extends LexiconMap> _LexiconMapClass, String _lexiconEntryClass)
LexiconBuilder(Index i, String _structureName, LexiconMap lexiconMap, String _lexiconEntryClass)

Uses of Index in org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass

Fields in org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass declared as Index
protected  Index Inverted2DirectIndexBuilder.index
          index currently being used

Constructors in org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass with parameters of type Index
BlockInverted2DirectIndexBuilder(Index i)
Inverted2DirectIndexBuilder(Index i)
          Construct a new instance of this builder class

Uses of Index in org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.hadoop

Methods in org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.hadoop with parameters of type Index
static void Inv2DirectMultiReduce.invertStructure(Index index, HadoopPlugin.JobFactory jf, int numberOfReduceTasks)
          Performs the inversion, from "inverted" structure to "direct" structure.

Constructors in org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.hadoop with parameters of type Index
Inv2DirectMultiReduce.Inv2DirectMultiReduceJob(Index _index, HadoopPlugin.JobFactory _jf)

Uses of Index in org.terrier.structures.merging

Fields in org.terrier.structures.merging declared as Index
protected  Index StructureMerger.destIndex
          destination index
protected  Index LexiconMerger.destIndex
protected  Index StructureMerger.srcIndex1
          source index 1
protected  Index LexiconMerger.srcIndex1
protected  Index StructureMerger.srcIndex2
          source index 2
protected  Index LexiconMerger.srcIndex2

Methods in org.terrier.structures.merging with parameters of type Index
 void StructureMerger.setOutputIndex(Index _outputIndex)
          Sets the output index.

Constructors in org.terrier.structures.merging with parameters of type Index
BlockStructureMerger(Index _srcIndex1, Index _srcIndex2, Index _destIndex)
LexiconMerger(Index src1, Index src2, Index dest)
          A constructor that sets the filenames of the lexicon files to merge
StructureMerger(Index _srcIndex1, Index _srcIndex2, Index _destIndex)

Uses of Index in

Methods in that return Index
static Index HadoopUtility.fromHConfiguration(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration c)
          Get an Index saved to the specifified Hadoop configuration by toHConfiguration()

Methods in with parameters of type Index
static void HadoopUtility.toHConfiguration(Index i, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration c)
          Puts the specified index onto the given Hadoop configuration

Terrier 3.6. Copyright © 2004-2011 University of Glasgow