Package org.terrier.querying

Provides the interfaces and classes for the querying API of the Terrier platform, the controls, post processors and filters.


Interface Summary
PostFilter PostFilters are designed to complement PostProcesses.
PostProcess PostProccess are designed to complement PostFilters.
Process Process Interface
SearchRequest SearchRequest is the one of two main classes of which are made available to client code by the Terrier framework at retrieval time.

Class Summary
Decorate This class decorates a result set with metadata.
DFRBagExpansionTerms This class implements a data structure of terms in the top-retrieved documents.
ExpansionTerms Base class for weighting term occurrences in feedback documents.
ExpansionTerms.ExpansionTerm This class implements a data structure for a term in the top-retrieved documents.
FeedbackDocument Class representing feedback documents, pseudo- or otherwise.
FeedbackSelector Implements of this class can be used to select feedback documents.
Manager This class is responsible for handling/co-ordinating the main high-level operations of a query.
PseudoRelevanceFeedbackSelector A feedback selector for pseudo-relevance feedback.
QueryExpansion Implements automatic query expansion as PostProcess that is applied to the result set after 1st-time matching.
RelevanceFeedbackSelector Selects feedback documents from a qrels file, using the query id.
RelevanceFeedbackSelectorDocids A feedback document selector that operates as RelevanceFeedbackSelector, except that this should be used when docids are specified in the qrels file, not docnos.
RelevantOnlyFeedbackDocuments Select only feedback documents which have relevance &tg; 0
Request Request contains the details of the search engine for one query, including the query itself, the resultset, the controls and the context objects.
Scope Checks that the prefix of the document number (upto the first "-") is included in this list of scopes as given by the scope control.
SimpleDecorate A simple decorator, which applies all metadata in the MetaIndex to each retrieved, displayed document.
SiteFilter Filter that removes hosts which dont match an appropriate site: constraint, as specified in a control.

Package org.terrier.querying Description

Provides the interfaces and classes for the querying API of the Terrier platform, the controls, post processors and filters. As an example, query expansion is applied as a postprocess.

Terrier 3.6. Copyright © 2004-2011 University of Glasgow