Uses of Class

Packages that use Query
org.terrier.matching Provides the classes and interfaces used for matching documents to queries. 
org.terrier.matching.dsms Provides the interface and the classes for modifying the scores of documents after an score has been assigned to documents, or implementing the combination of evidence. 
org.terrier.querying Provides the interfaces and classes for the querying API of the Terrier platform, the controls, post processors and filters. 
org.terrier.querying.parser Provides the parser specification and the classes that implement the query language of the Terrier platform. 

Uses of Query in org.terrier.matching

Fields in org.terrier.matching declared as Query
protected  Query MatchingQueryTerms.query
          The original query as it came from the parser, in case any TSMs or DSMs wish to refer to it

Methods in org.terrier.matching that return Query
 Query MatchingQueryTerms.getQuery()
          Returns guess what?

Methods in org.terrier.matching with parameters of type Query
 void MatchingQueryTerms.setQuery(Query q)
          Allows the manager to set the query that was used to query the system.

Uses of Query in org.terrier.matching.dsms

Fields in org.terrier.matching.dsms with type parameters of type Query
protected  List<Query> PhraseScoreModifier.phraseTerms
          A list of the strings of the phrase terms.
protected  ArrayList<Query> BooleanScoreModifier.terms
          The terms to check.

Methods in org.terrier.matching.dsms with parameters of type Query
protected  HashSet<String> BooleanFallback.getMinusTerms(Query q)
          Builds a hashset containing all terms that are required NOT to be in the query

Constructor parameters in org.terrier.matching.dsms with type arguments of type Query
BooleanScoreModifier(ArrayList<Query> ts)
          A constructor where we specify which of the query terms should exist in the documents.
PhraseScoreModifier(List<Query> pTerms)
          Constructs a phrase score modifier for a given set of query terms.
PhraseScoreModifier(List<Query> pTerms, boolean r)
          Constructs a phrase score modifier for a given set of query terms.
PhraseScoreModifier(List<Query> pTerms, boolean r, int bDist)
          Constructs a phrase score modifier for a given set of query terms, whether they are required to appear in a document, and the allowed distance between the phrase terms.
PhraseScoreModifier(List<Query> pTerms, int bDist)
          Constructs a phrase score modifier for a given set of query terms and the allowed distance between them.

Uses of Query in org.terrier.querying

Fields in org.terrier.querying declared as Query
protected  Query Request.q
          This contains the parsed syntax tree of the query, as generated by the Antlr parser

Methods in org.terrier.querying that return Query
 Query SearchRequest.getQuery()
          Get the Query syntax tree
 Query Request.getQuery()
          Get the Query syntax tree

Methods in org.terrier.querying with parameters of type Query
 void SearchRequest.setQuery(Query q)
          Set the query to be a parsed Query syntax tree, as generated by the Terrier query parser
 void Request.setQuery(Query _q)
          Set the query to be a parsed Query syntax tree, as generated by the Terrier query parser

Uses of Query in org.terrier.querying.parser

Subclasses of Query in org.terrier.querying.parser
 class DisjunctiveQuery
          Models a disjunctive choice in single term queries in a query.
 class ExplicitMultiTermQuery
          MultiTermQuery where it is denoted by ( ) notation
 class FieldQuery
          Models a query qualified with a field.
 class MultiTermQuery
          Represents a query consisting of more than one terms or other sub-queries, qualified with field, requirement or phrase operators.
 class PhraseQuery
          Models a phrase query, which can have a proximity requirement.
 class RequirementQuery
          Models a query where the query terms have been qualified with a requirement operator, either plus, or minus.
 class SegmentQuery
          Used to represent a particular segement of the query terms
 class SingleTermQuery
          Models a query of a single term.

Fields in org.terrier.querying.parser declared as Query
protected  Query Query.child
          An encapsulated query.

Fields in org.terrier.querying.parser with type parameters of type Query
protected  ArrayList<Query> MultiTermQuery.v
          A list for holding the sub-queries.

Methods in org.terrier.querying.parser that return Query
 Query TerrierQueryParser.disjunctiveQuery()
 Query TerrierQueryParser.explicitMultiTermQuery()
 Query TerrierQueryParser.fieldQuery()
 Query SegmentQuery.get(int index)
          get Query
 Query TerrierQueryParser.impliedMultiTermQuery()
static Query QueryParser.parseQuery(String query)
          Parse the specified query.
 Query TerrierQueryParser.phraseQuery()
 Query TerrierQueryParser.query()
 Query TerrierQueryParser.requirementQuery()
 Query TerrierQueryParser.segmentQuery()
 Query TerrierQueryParser.singleTermQuery()

Methods in org.terrier.querying.parser with parameters of type Query
 void MultiTermQuery.add(Query query)
          Adds a subquery to this query.
 boolean Query.ForEachQueryNode.process(Query node, Query... children)
          process each query node
 boolean Query.ForEachQueryNode.process(Query node, Query... children)
          process each query node
 void SegmentQuery.replace(int index, Query replacement)
          Replace current query
 void MultiTermQuery.replace(Query childNode, Query replacement)
          Replace query node
 void Query.setChild(Query q)
          Sets the subquery object of this query.

Method parameters in org.terrier.querying.parser with type arguments of type Query
protected  void SingleTermQuery.getTerms(List<Query> alist)
          Adds the query term in the given list of query terms.
protected  void Query.getTerms(List<Query> alist)
          Returns the terms of the query.
protected  void MultiTermQuery.getTerms(List<Query> alist)
          Adds all the subqueries and single-term queries to a given array list.
 void SingleTermQuery.getTermsOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> alist, boolean req)
          An empty method because the single term query cannot have children.
 void SingleTermQuery.getTermsOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> alist, boolean req)
          An empty method because the single term query cannot have children.
 void RequirementQuery.getTermsOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> alist, boolean req)
          Returns all the query terms, in subqueries that are instances of a given class.
 void RequirementQuery.getTermsOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> alist, boolean req)
          Returns all the query terms, in subqueries that are instances of a given class.
abstract  void Query.getTermsOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> alist, boolean req)
          Returns all the query terms, in subqueries that are instances of a given class
abstract  void Query.getTermsOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> alist, boolean req)
          Returns all the query terms, in subqueries that are instances of a given class
 void PhraseQuery.getTermsOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> alist, boolean req)
          Returns all the query terms, in subqueries that are instances of a given class
 void PhraseQuery.getTermsOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> alist, boolean req)
          Returns all the query terms, in subqueries that are instances of a given class
 void MultiTermQuery.getTermsOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> alist, boolean req)
          Returns all the query terms, in subqueries that are instances of a given class
 void MultiTermQuery.getTermsOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> alist, boolean req)
          Returns all the query terms, in subqueries that are instances of a given class
 void FieldQuery.getTermsOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> alist, boolean req)
          Returns all the query terms, in subqueries that are instances of a given class
 void FieldQuery.getTermsOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> alist, boolean req)
          Returns all the query terms, in subqueries that are instances of a given class
 void Query.obtainAllOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> a)
          Returns all the queries of the specified class
 void Query.obtainAllOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> a)
          Returns all the queries of the specified class
 void MultiTermQuery.obtainAllOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> a)
 void MultiTermQuery.obtainAllOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> a)
 void DisjunctiveQuery.obtainAllOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> a)
 void DisjunctiveQuery.obtainAllOf(Class<? extends Query> c, List<Query> a)

Constructors in org.terrier.querying.parser with parameters of type Query
FieldQuery(Query q)
          Constructs a field query from the given query.
FieldQuery(Query q, String f)
          Constructs a field query from the given query and the given field.

Terrier 3.6. Copyright © 2004-2011 University of Glasgow