Uses of Interface

Packages that use BitFilePosition
org.terrier.structures Provides the classes that implement the data structures used for retrieval with the Terrier platform. 
org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass Provides implementation of the structures needed for performing a single pass indexing 

Uses of BitFilePosition in org.terrier.structures

Subinterfaces of BitFilePosition in org.terrier.structures
 interface BitIndexPointer
          A pointer implementation for BitPostingIndex structures.

Classes in org.terrier.structures that implement BitFilePosition
 class BasicDocumentIndexEntry
          A basic document index entry.
 class BasicLexiconEntry
          Contains all the information about one entry in the Lexicon.
 class BlockFieldLexiconEntry
          A LexiconEntry with field support
 class BlockLexiconEntry
          Blocks lexicon entry.
 class DocumentIndexEntry
          A document index entry.
 class FieldDocumentIndexEntry
          A document index entry for use with fields
 class FieldLexiconEntry
          A LexiconEntry with field support
 class FilePosition
          Models a position within a file as the offset in bytes and the offset in bits in that byte.
 class SimpleBitIndexPointer
          An implementation of a BitIndexPointer.
 class SimpleDocumentIndexEntry
          A document index entry that doesn't write out direct index offset.

Methods in org.terrier.structures that return BitFilePosition
 BitFilePosition DirectInvertedOutputStream.getOffset()
          What is current offset?
 BitFilePosition BitPostingIndexInputStream.getPos()
          Get the file position

Methods in org.terrier.structures with parameters of type BitFilePosition
 void SimpleDocumentIndexEntry.setOffset(BitFilePosition pos)
          Set the offset
 void SimpleBitIndexPointer.setOffset(BitFilePosition pos)
          Set the offset
 void FilePosition.setOffset(BitFilePosition pos)
          Set the offset
 void BitFilePosition.setOffset(BitFilePosition pos)
          Set the offset
 void BasicTermStatsLexiconEntry.setOffset(BitFilePosition pos)
          Sets the offset using a BitFilePosition
 void BasicLexiconEntry.setOffset(BitFilePosition pos)
          Set the offset
 void BasicDocumentIndexEntry.setOffset(BitFilePosition pos)
          Set the offset

Constructors in org.terrier.structures with parameters of type BitFilePosition
BasicLexiconEntry(int tid, int _n_t, int _TF, byte fileId, BitFilePosition offset)
          Create a lexicon entry with the following information.
BlockLexiconEntry(int tid, int n_t, int TF, byte fileId, BitFilePosition offset, int _blockCount)
          Construct an instance of the class with
FilePosition(BitFilePosition in)
          Create a new FilePosition based on an existing one

Uses of BitFilePosition in org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass

Fields in org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass declared as BitFilePosition
protected  BitFilePosition RunsMerger.startOffset

Terrier 3.5. Copyright © 2004-2011 University of Glasgow