Uses of Interface

Packages that use DocumentScoreModifier
org.terrier.matching Provides the classes and interfaces used for matching documents to queries. 
org.terrier.matching.dsms Provides the interface and the classes for modifying the scores of documents after an score has been assigned to documents, or implementing the combination of evidence. 

Uses of DocumentScoreModifier in org.terrier.matching

Fields in org.terrier.matching with type parameters of type DocumentScoreModifier
protected  java.util.ArrayList<DocumentScoreModifier> MatchingQueryTerms.docScoreModifiers
          The document score modifiers associated with the query terms.
protected  java.util.ArrayList<DocumentScoreModifier> OldBasicMatching.documentModifiers
          Contains the document score modifiers to be applied for a query.
protected  java.util.List<DocumentScoreModifier> BaseMatching.documentModifiers
          Contains the document score modifiers to be applied for a query.
protected  java.util.List<DocumentScoreModifier> TRECResultsMatching.dsms
          The list of document score modifiers to be applied.

Methods in org.terrier.matching that return DocumentScoreModifier
 DocumentScoreModifier OldBasicMatching.getDocumentScoreModifier(int i)
          Returns the i-th registered document score modifier.
 DocumentScoreModifier[] MatchingQueryTerms.getDocumentScoreModifiers()
          Returns the document score modifiers used for the query.

Methods in org.terrier.matching with parameters of type DocumentScoreModifier
 void OldBasicMatching.addDocumentScoreModifier(DocumentScoreModifier documentScoreModifier)
          Registers a document score modifier.
 void MatchingQueryTerms.addDocumentScoreModifier(DocumentScoreModifier dsm)
          Adds a document score modifier for the query.

Uses of DocumentScoreModifier in org.terrier.matching.dsms

Classes in org.terrier.matching.dsms that implement DocumentScoreModifier
 class BlockScoreModifier
          This class modifers the scores of documents based on the position of the query terms in the document.
 class BooleanFallback
          This class provides a boolean fallback document score modifier for matching.
 class BooleanScoreModifier
          If not all the query terms appear in a document, then this modifier zeros the document's score.
 class DependenceScoreModifier
          Base class for Dependence models.
 class DFRDependenceScoreModifier
          Implements the pBiL and pBil2 DFR-based dependence models.
 class MRFDependenceScoreModifier
          Implements Markov Random Fields.
 class PhraseScoreModifier
          Modifies the scores of the documents which contain, or do not contain a given phrase.
 class ResetScores
          Resets the scores in the resultset to 0.00001d
 class SimpleStaticScoreModifier
          Provides a way to integrate a static (query independent) document (prior) feature into the document scores.

Terrier 3.5. Copyright © 2004-2011 University of Glasgow