Terrier IR Platform

Uses of Class

Packages that use Index
uk.ac.gla.terrier.applications Provides application-level code that use the Terrier platform to perform indexing and retrieval from either standard test collections, interactive querying of a indexed collection, or desktop search. 
uk.ac.gla.terrier.indexing Provides classes and interfaces related to the indexing of documents. 
uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching Provides the classes and interfaces used for matching documents to queries. 
uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.dsms Provides the interface and the classes for modifying the scores of documents after an score has been assigned to documents, or implementing the combination of evidence. 
uk.ac.gla.terrier.querying Provides the interfaces and classes for the querying API of the Terrier platform, the controls, post processors and filters. 
uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures Provides the classes that implement the data structures used for retrieval with the Terrier platform. 
uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing Provides the classes used for creating the data structures of the Terrier platform. 
uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass Provides implementation of the structures needed for performing a single pass indexing 
uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.merging Provides classes for merging two sets of data structures, created by Terrier, into one set of data structures. 

Uses of Index in uk.ac.gla.terrier.applications

Methods in uk.ac.gla.terrier.applications that return Index
 Index TRECQuerying.getIndex()
          Get the index pointer.

Methods in uk.ac.gla.terrier.applications with parameters of type Index
 void TRECQuerying.setIndex(Index i)
          Set the index pointer.

Constructors in uk.ac.gla.terrier.applications with parameters of type Index
TRECLMIndexing(Index i)
TRECQuerying(Index i)
          TRECQuerying constructor initialises the specified inverted index, the lexicon and the document index structures.
TRECQueryingExpansion(Index i)
          TRECQueryExpansion - Index constructor.

Uses of Index in uk.ac.gla.terrier.indexing

Constructors in uk.ac.gla.terrier.indexing with parameters of type Index
CreateDocumentInitialWeightIndex(Index i, java.lang.String modelName)
CreateTermEstimateIndex(Index i, java.lang.String modelName)

Uses of Index in uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching

Constructors in uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching with parameters of type Index
LMMatching(Index index)
          Default constructor.
Matching(Index index)
          A default constructor that creates the CollectionResultSet and initialises the document and term modifier containers.

Uses of Index in uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.dsms

Methods in uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.dsms with parameters of type Index
 boolean BlockScoreModifier.modifyScores(Index index, MatchingQueryTerms query, ResultSet resultSet)
          Modifies scores by applying proximity weighting.
 boolean BooleanFallback.modifyScores(Index index, MatchingQueryTerms queryTerms, ResultSet resultSet)
          Applies boolean fallback to the given result set.
 boolean BooleanScoreModifier.modifyScores(Index index, MatchingQueryTerms query, ResultSet resultSet)
          Zeros the scores of documents in which only some of the query terms appear.
 boolean DocumentScoreModifier.modifyScores(Index index, MatchingQueryTerms queryTerms, ResultSet resultSet)
          Modifies the scores of the documents for a given query.
 boolean PhraseScoreModifier.modifyScores(Index index, MatchingQueryTerms terms, ResultSet set)
          Modifies the scores of documents, in which there exist, or there does not exist a given phrase.

Uses of Index in uk.ac.gla.terrier.querying

Methods in uk.ac.gla.terrier.querying that return Index
 Index Manager.getIndex()
          Returns the index used by the manager.

Constructors in uk.ac.gla.terrier.querying with parameters of type Index
Manager(Index index)
          Construct a Manager using the specified Index

Uses of Index in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures

Methods in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures that return Index
static Index Index.createIndex()
          Factory method for creating an index.
static Index Index.createIndex(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String prefix)
          Factory method for load an index.
static Index Index.createNewIndex(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String prefix)
          Factory method create a new index.

Methods in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures with parameters of type Index
 void BlockDirectIndexInputStream.setIndex(Index i)
          let it know which index to use
 void BlockDirectIndex.setIndex(Index i)
          let it know which index to use
 void BlockInvertedIndexInputStream.setIndex(Index i)
          let it know which index to use
 void BlockInvertedIndex.setIndex(Index i)
          let it know which index to use
 void DocumentIndexInputStream.setIndex(Index i)
          This structure can be configured by the Index object.
 void DocumentIndex.setIndex(Index i)
          This structure can be configured by the Index object.
 void IndexConfigurable.setIndex(Index i)
          Tell the implementer which Index object it is associated with.

Uses of Index in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing

Methods in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing with parameters of type Index
static void LexiconBuilder.createLexiconHash(Index index)
          Creates a lexicon hash for the specified index
static void LexiconBuilder.createLexiconIndex(Index index)
          Creates a lexicon index for the specified index

Constructors in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing with parameters of type Index
BlockDirectIndexBuilder(Index i)
BlockInvertedIndexBuilder(Index index)
BlockLexiconBuilder(Index i)
DirectIndexBuilder(Index i)
DocumentIndexBuilder(Index i)
          Construct a DocumentIndex associated with the specified index
DocumentInitialWeightIndex(Index index)
InvertedIndexBuilder(Index i)
LexiconBuilder(Index i)
TermEstimateIndex(Index index)
UTFBlockInvertedIndexBuilder(Index i)
UTFBlockLexiconBuilder(Index i)
UTFInvertedIndexBuilder(Index i)
UTFLexiconBuilder(Index i)

Uses of Index in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass

Constructors in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass with parameters of type Index
BlockInverted2DirectIndexBuilder(Index i)
Inverted2DirectIndexBuilder(Index i)
          Construct a new instance of this builder class

Uses of Index in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.hadoop

Constructors in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.hadoop with parameters of type Index
SimpleDocumentIndexBuilder(Index i)

Uses of Index in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.merging

Methods in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.merging with parameters of type Index
 void StructureMerger.setOutputIndex(Index _outputIndex)
          Sets the output index.

Constructors in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.merging with parameters of type Index
BlockStructureMerger(Index _srcIndex1, Index _srcIndex2, Index _destIndex)
LexiconMerger(Index src1, Index src2, Index dest)
          A constructor that sets the filenames of the lexicon files to merge
StructureMerger(Index _srcIndex1, Index _srcIndex2, Index _destIndex)

Uses of Index in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.upgrading

Constructors in uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.upgrading with parameters of type Index
aIndexUpgrader(Index sourceIndex, Index destIndex)
          record the source and dest indices
Terrier1xxIndexUpgrader(Index sourceIndex, Index destIndex)
          Create a new IndexUpgrader from sourceIndex to destIndex.

Terrier IR Platform

Terrier Information Retrieval Platform 2.2.1. Copyright 2004-2008 University of Glasgow