Terrier IR Platform

Package uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.hadoop

Class Summary
ByMapPartitioner Partitions the term postings lists from the map function, such that the created indexes is partitioned evenly across the reducers.
CollectionRecordReader<SPLITTYPE extends InputSplit> An abstract class which provides ways to index a collection, based on a predetermined InputSplit type.
FileCollectionRecordReader Record Reader for Hadoop Indexing.
HadoopRunIteratorFactory Creates a new HadoopRunIterator.
HadoopRunWriter RunWriter for the MapReduce indexer
MapData Storage class for information about each Map.
MapEmittedPostingList Sub-Class of WritableByteArray with additional information about which Map and Flush it came from
MapEmittedTerm Represents a term emitted during indexing time.
MapEmittedTerm.TermComparator Comparator for MapEmittedTerm objects - order only by Term.
MapEmittedTerm.TermMapFlushComparator Raw Comparator class to compare MapEmittedTerm objects stage 1.
MultiFileCollectionInputFormat Input Format Class for Hadoop Indexing.
SimpleDocumentIndexBuilder A simple DocumentIndexBuilder.
SimpleDocumentIndexInputStream InputStream for a simple DocumentIndex.
WritableByteArray Represents a Writable Posting List.

Terrier IR Platform

Terrier Information Retrieval Platform 2.2.1. Copyright 2004-2008 University of Glasgow