Package | Description |
org.terrier.matching |
Provides the classes and interfaces used for matching documents
to queries.
org.terrier.matching.daat |
Provides classes that implement a document-at-a-time (DAAT) matching strategy.
org.terrier.matching.dsms |
Provides the interface and the classes for modifying the scores
of documents after an score has been assigned to documents, or
implementing the combination of evidence.
org.terrier.matching.matchops |
This package contains matching Operators.
org.terrier.matching.models |
Provides the classes that implement various weighting models.
org.terrier.matching.models.dependence |
Weighting models for term dependence models
org.terrier.realtime.memory |
Provides MemoryIndex structures.
org.terrier.realtime.memory.fields |
Provides MemoryIndex structures that support field search.
org.terrier.realtime.multi |
Provides MultiIndex structures.
org.terrier.structures |
Provides the classes that implement the data structures used
for retrieval with the Terrier platform.
org.terrier.structures.postings |
Provides classes representing single postings and atreams of postings in a posting list
org.terrier.structures.restructure |
Contains legacy index data structure classes
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
EntryStatistics |
Info about the query term.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected List<EntryStatistics> |
EntryStatistics for each term
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
EntryStatistics[] |
Return the EntryStatistics of each of the query terms in the query
EntryStatistics[] |
Return the EntryStatistics of each of the query terms in the query
EntryStatistics |
PostingListManager.getStatistics(int i)
Returns the EntryStatistics corresponding to the specified term
EntryStatistics |
MatchingQueryTerms.getStatistics(Operator term)
Returns the assocciated code of the given query term.
EntryStatistics |
MatchingQueryTerms.getStatistics(String term) |
static EntryStatistics |
PostingListManager.mergeStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats)
Knows how to merge several EntryStatistics for a single effective term
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ScoringMatching.makeResultSet(String[] qs,
EntryStatistics[] es,
double[] ks) |
static EntryStatistics |
PostingListManager.mergeStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats)
Knows how to merge several EntryStatistics for a single effective term
void |
FatQueryResultSet.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics[] es) |
void |
FatResultSet.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics[] es) |
void |
MatchingQueryTerms.setTermProperty(Operator term,
EntryStatistics e) |
void |
MatchingQueryTerms.setTermProperty(String term,
EntryStatistics e)
Sets a term's statistics for the given query term.
Constructor and Description |
FatQueryResultSet(int numberOfDocuments,
CollectionStatistics cs,
String[] qs,
EntryStatistics[] es,
double[] ks,
Set<String>[] ts) |
QueryTermProperties(int _index,
double w,
EntryStatistics _stats)
A constructor for setting the weight of a term
and its term code.
QueryTermProperties(int _index,
double w,
WeightingModel model,
EntryStatistics _stats)
A constructor for setting a weight, a term score modifier
and the term code for a query term.
QueryTermProperties(int _index,
EntryStatistics _stats)
An constructor for setting the term code
of a query term.
QueryTermProperties(int _index,
WeightingModel model,
EntryStatistics _stats)
A constructor for setting a term score modifier for a term
and its term code.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
EntryStatistics[] |
FatCandidateResultSet.getEntryStatistics() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
FatCandidateResultSet.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics[] es) |
Constructor and Description |
FatCandidateResultSet(Collection<CandidateResult> q,
CollectionStatistics cs,
String[] queryTerms,
EntryStatistics[] entryStats,
double[] keyFrequency,
Set<String>[] tags) |
FatCandidateResultSet(List<CandidateResult> q,
CollectionStatistics cs,
String[] queryTerms,
EntryStatistics[] entryStats,
double[] keyFrequency)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
DependenceScoreModifier.determineGlobalStatistics(String[] terms,
EntryStatistics[] es,
boolean SD)
unused hook method
protected void |
DependenceScoreModifier.doDependency(Index index,
EntryStatistics[] es,
IterablePosting[] ips,
ResultSet rs,
double[] phraseTermWeights,
boolean SD)
Calculates dependence scores for all documents, putting the scores into the ResultSet rs
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static EntryStatistics |
MultiTermOp.addStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats)
merges several EntryStatistics for a single effective term simply by adding
EntryStatistics |
MatchingEntry.getEntryStats() |
protected EntryStatistics |
ANDQueryOp.mergeStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats,
CollectionStatistics collStats)
Adjust the statistics for this operator:
protected EntryStatistics |
MultiTermOp.mergeStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats,
CollectionStatistics collStats) |
protected EntryStatistics |
PhraseOp.mergeStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats,
CollectionStatistics collStats) |
protected EntryStatistics |
SynonymOp.mergeStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats,
CollectionStatistics collStats)
Adjust the statistics for the #syn operator:
protected EntryStatistics |
UnorderedWindowOp.mergeStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats,
CollectionStatistics collStats) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<EntryStatistics,IterablePosting> |
DateRangeOp.getPostingIterator(Index index) |
org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<EntryStatistics,IterablePosting> |
MultiTermOp.getPostingIterator(Index index) |
abstract org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<EntryStatistics,IterablePosting> |
Operator.getPostingIterator(Index index)
get posting iterator for this query op.
org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<EntryStatistics,IterablePosting> |
PrefixTermOp.getPostingIterator(Index index) |
org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<EntryStatistics,IterablePosting> |
SingleTermOp.getPostingIterator(Index index) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static EntryStatistics |
MultiTermOp.addStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats)
merges several EntryStatistics for a single effective term simply by adding
protected EntryStatistics |
ANDQueryOp.mergeStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats,
CollectionStatistics collStats)
Adjust the statistics for this operator:
protected EntryStatistics |
MultiTermOp.mergeStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats,
CollectionStatistics collStats) |
protected EntryStatistics |
PhraseOp.mergeStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats,
CollectionStatistics collStats) |
protected EntryStatistics |
SynonymOp.mergeStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats,
CollectionStatistics collStats)
Adjust the statistics for the #syn operator:
protected EntryStatistics |
UnorderedWindowOp.mergeStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats,
CollectionStatistics collStats) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected IterablePosting |
ANDQueryOp.createFinalPostingIterator(List<IterablePosting> postings,
List<EntryStatistics> pointers) |
protected abstract IterablePosting |
MultiTermOp.createFinalPostingIterator(List<IterablePosting> postings,
List<EntryStatistics> pointers) |
protected IterablePosting |
PhraseOp.createFinalPostingIterator(List<IterablePosting> postings,
List<EntryStatistics> pointers) |
protected IterablePosting |
SynonymOp.createFinalPostingIterator(List<IterablePosting> postings,
List<EntryStatistics> pointers) |
protected IterablePosting |
UnorderedWindowOp.createFinalPostingIterator(List<IterablePosting> postings,
List<EntryStatistics> pointers) |
Constructor and Description |
MatchingEntry(IterablePosting postingIterator,
EntryStatistics entryStats,
double keyFreq,
WeightingModel[] wmodels,
org.terrier.matching.matchops.MatchingEntry.Requirement required,
Set<String> tags) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected EntryStatistics | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DFRWeightingModel.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics _es)
Sets entry statistics.
void |
MDL2.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics _es)
Sets entry statistics.
void |
ML2.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics _es)
Sets entry statistics.
void |
PerFieldNormWeightingModel.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics _es)
Sets entry statistics.
void |
SingleFieldModel.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics _es) |
void |
WeightingModel.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics _es)
Sets entry statistics.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MRF.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics _es) |
void |
pBiL.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics _es) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A lexicon entry stored in a MemoryLexicon.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MemoryLexiconEntry.add(EntryStatistics es)
Increment the statistics of this object by that of another
void |
MemoryLexiconEntry.subtract(EntryStatistics es)
Decrement the statistics of this object by that of another
int |
MemoryLexicon.term(String term,
EntryStatistics es)
Add new term, or update existing term.
int |
MemoryLexicon.term(String term,
EntryStatistics es,
int termid) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Lexicon entry (fields).
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MemoryFieldsLexiconEntry.add(EntryStatistics le)
Increment the statistics of this object by that of another
void |
MemoryFieldsLexiconEntry.subtract(EntryStatistics le)
Decrement the statistics of this object by that of another
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A Lexicon entry that spans multiple index shards.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MultiLexiconEntry.add(EntryStatistics e)
Not implemented.
void |
MultiLexiconEntry.subtract(EntryStatistics e)
Not implemented.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
interface |
The statistics for a field entry
interface |
NgramEntryStatistics |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Contains all the information about one entry in the Lexicon.
class |
A LexiconEntry which only contains EntryStatistics
class |
A LexiconEntry with field support
class |
Represents the statistics of a term in the
Lexicon , and
a pointer to the term's location in a PostingIndex . |
class |
SimpleNgramEntryStatistics |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
EntryStatistics |
Get a copy of these entry statistics that can be reused.
EntryStatistics |
LexiconEntry.getWritableEntryStatistics() |
EntryStatistics |
SimpleNgramEntryStatistics.getWritableEntryStatistics() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BasicLexiconEntry.add(EntryStatistics le)
increment this lexicon entry by another
void |
BasicTermStatsLexiconEntry.add(EntryStatistics le)
Increment the statistics of this object by that of another
void |
EntryStatistics.add(EntryStatistics e)
Increment the statistics of this object by that of another
void |
FieldLexiconEntry.add(EntryStatistics le) |
void |
SimpleNgramEntryStatistics.add(EntryStatistics e) |
protected void |
LexiconOutputStream.incrementCounters(EntryStatistics t) |
void |
BasicLexiconEntry.subtract(EntryStatistics le)
alter this lexicon entry to subtract another lexicon entry
void |
BasicTermStatsLexiconEntry.subtract(EntryStatistics le)
Decrement the statistics of this object by that of another
void |
EntryStatistics.subtract(EntryStatistics e)
Decrement the statistics of this object by that of another
void |
SimpleNgramEntryStatistics.subtract(EntryStatistics e) |
Constructor and Description |
SimpleNgramEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics e) |
Constructor and Description |
ANDIterablePosting(IterablePosting[] _ips,
EntryStatistics[] _p) |
PhraseIterablePosting(IterablePosting[] _ips,
EntryStatistics[] _p,
boolean recordPositions) |
ProximityIterablePosting(IterablePosting[] _ips,
EntryStatistics[] _es,
int window) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
class |
class |
Contains all the information about one entry in the Lexicon.
class |
A LexiconEntry which only contains EntryStatistics
class |
A LexiconEntry with field support
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Tr3BlockLexiconEntry.add(EntryStatistics le)
increment this lexicon entry by another
void |
Tr4BasicLexiconEntry.add(EntryStatistics le)
increment this lexicon entry by another
void |
Tr4BasicTermStatsLexiconEntry.add(EntryStatistics le)
Increment the statistics of this object by that of another
void |
Tr4FieldLexiconEntry.add(EntryStatistics le) |
void |
Tr3BlockLexiconEntry.subtract(EntryStatistics le)
alter this lexicon entry to subtract another lexicon entry
void |
Tr4BasicLexiconEntry.subtract(EntryStatistics le)
alter this lexicon entry to subtract another lexicon entry
void |
Tr4BasicTermStatsLexiconEntry.subtract(EntryStatistics le)
Decrement the statistics of this object by that of another
Terrier Information Retrieval Platform 5.2. Copyright © 2004-2019, University of Glasgow