Uses of Interface

Packages that use Posting
org.terrier.matching.daat Provides classes that implement a document-at-a-time (DAAT) matching strategy. 
org.terrier.matching.dsms Provides the interface and the classes for modifying the scores of documents after an score has been assigned to documents, or implementing the combination of evidence. 
org.terrier.matching.models Provides the classes that implement various weighting models. 
org.terrier.matching.tsms Provides the interface and classes that implement the term score modifiers, which modify the scores assigned to documents for a particular term. 
org.terrier.structures Provides the classes that implement the data structures used for retrieval with the Terrier platform. 
org.terrier.structures.indexing Provides the classes used for creating the data structures of the Terrier platform. 
org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass Provides implementation of the structures needed for performing a single pass indexing 
org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.hadoop Provides classes implemeting the Hadoop MapReduce indexing in Terrier. 
org.terrier.structures.postings Provides classes representing single postings and atreams of postings in a posting list (e.g. 

Uses of Posting in org.terrier.matching.daat

Methods in org.terrier.matching.daat with parameters of type Posting
protected  double FullNoPLM.scoreIt(WeightingModel[] wModels, Posting posting)
          calculate the score for this posting using the specified weighting models

Uses of Posting in org.terrier.matching.dsms

Methods in org.terrier.matching.dsms with parameters of type Posting
 double DependenceScoreModifier.score(Posting[] postings)
          Calculate the score for a document (from the given posting for that document)
protected  double DependenceScoreModifier.scoreFDSD(boolean SD, int i, Posting ip1, int j, Posting ip2, double _avgDocLen)
          how likely is it that these two postings have so many near-occurrences, given the length of this document

Uses of Posting in org.terrier.matching.models

Methods in org.terrier.matching.models with parameters of type Posting
 double WeightingModel.score(Posting p)
          Returns score
 double PerFieldNormWeightingModel.score(Posting _p)
 double ML2.score(Posting _p)
          Returns score
 double MDL2.score(Posting _p)
          Returns score

Uses of Posting in org.terrier.matching.tsms

Methods in org.terrier.matching.tsms with parameters of type Posting
 double TermInFieldModifier.score(Posting _p)
          Returns score
 double RequiredTermModifier.score(Posting p)
          Returns score

Uses of Posting in org.terrier.structures

Methods in org.terrier.structures with parameters of type Posting
protected  void FieldDirectInvertedOutputStream.writePostingNotDocid(Posting _p)
protected  void DirectInvertedOutputStream.writePostingNotDocid(Posting p)
          Hook method for writing out the remainder of the posting
protected  void DirectInvertedDocidOnlyOuptutStream.writePostingNotDocid(Posting p)
protected  void BlockFieldDirectInvertedOutputStream.writePostingNotDocid(Posting _p)
protected  void BlockDirectInvertedOutputStream.writePostingNotDocid(Posting _p)

Method parameters in org.terrier.structures with type arguments of type Posting
 BitIndexPointer DirectInvertedOutputStream.writePostings(Iterator<Posting> iterator)
          Write out the specified postings.
 BitIndexPointer DirectInvertedOutputStream.writePostings(Iterator<Posting> iterator, int previousId)
          Write out the specified postings, but allowing the delta for the first document to be adjusted

Uses of Posting in org.terrier.structures.indexing

Classes in org.terrier.structures.indexing that implement Posting
protected  class DocumentPostingList.postingIterator

Uses of Posting in org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass

Classes in org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass that implement Posting
protected  class BlockFieldPostingInRun.bfPIRPostingIterator
protected  class BlockPostingInRun.BlockPIRPostingIterator
protected  class FieldPostingInRun.fPIRPostingIterator
protected  class SimplePostingInRun.PIRPostingIterator

Uses of Posting in org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.hadoop

Method parameters in org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.hadoop with type arguments of type Posting
 void termId, Wrapper<IterablePosting> postingWrapper, org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector<,Posting> collector, org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter reporter)
          Take an iterator of postings.
 void Inv2DirectMultiReduce.reduce( _targetDocid, Iterator<Posting> documentPostings, org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector<Object,Object> collector, org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter reporter)

Uses of Posting in org.terrier.structures.postings

Subinterfaces of Posting in org.terrier.structures.postings
 interface BitWritablePosting
          As WritablePosting, but using the BitWritable interface.
 interface BlockPosting
          Interface implemented by Posting objects that have position information recorded.
 interface FieldPosting
          Interface implemented by Posting objects that have field information recorded.
 interface IterablePosting
          An interface that allows a list of postings to be iterated over
 interface WritablePosting
          Allow a Posting to be written to a DataOut

Classes in org.terrier.structures.postings that implement Posting
 class ANDIterablePosting
          An instance of IterablePostings that works with passed arrays of ids and frequencies.
 class ArrayOfBasicIterablePosting
          An instance of IterablePostings that works with passed arrays of ids and frequencies
 class ArrayOfFieldIterablePosting
          An instance of IterablePostings that works with passed arrays of ids and frequencies for each field.
 class ArrayOfIdsIterablePosting
          An instance of IterablePostings that works with a passed array of ids
 class BasicIterablePosting
          Basic inverted and direct index format: [gamma(first docid +1) unary (frequency)], [gamma(delta docid) unary(frequency)]
 class BasicIterablePostingDocidOnly
          Posting iterator class that only returns identifiers, not frequencies.
 class BasicPostingImpl
          Implementation of a Posting that is non-iterable.
 class BlockFieldIterablePosting
          class BlockFieldIterablePosting
 class BlockFieldORIterablePosting
          ORIterablePosting implementation that implements FieldPosting and BlockPosting
 class BlockFieldPostingImpl
          A writable block field posting list
 class BlockIterablePosting
          A writable block iterable posting list
 class BlockORIterablePosting
          ORIterablePosting implementation that implements BlockPosting
 class BlockPostingImpl
          BlockPostingImpl class
 class FieldIterablePosting
          A posting iterator for field postings.
 class FieldORIterablePosting
          ORIterablePosting implementation that implements FieldPosting
 class FieldPostingImpl
          Implementation of a posting containing fields
 class IterablePostingImpl
          A base implementation of an IterablePosting, that provides a base implementation of next(int) method.
 class ORIterablePosting
          An IterablePosting that combines more than one IterablePosting into a single IterablePosting.
 class PhraseIterablePosting
          Implementation of an IterablePosting for block indices that returns only documents that match a multi-term phase.
 class ProximityIterablePosting
          Implementation of an IterablePosting for block indices that returns only documents that match phases within a fixed window size.

Methods in org.terrier.structures.postings with parameters of type Posting
protected  void ORIterablePosting.addPosting(Posting p)
protected  void FieldORIterablePosting.addPosting(Posting _p)
protected  void BlockORIterablePosting.addPosting(Posting p)
protected  void BlockFieldORIterablePosting.addPosting(Posting p)
 int o1, Posting o2)
          Compare Posting objects by id
protected  void ORIterablePosting.firstPosting(Posting p)
protected  void FieldORIterablePosting.firstPosting(Posting _p)
protected  void BlockORIterablePosting.firstPosting(Posting p)
protected  void BlockFieldORIterablePosting.firstPosting(Posting p)

Terrier 3.6. Copyright © 2004-2011 University of Glasgow