Uses of Interface

Packages that use EntryStatistics
org.terrier.matching Provides the classes and interfaces used for matching documents to queries. 
org.terrier.matching.dsms Provides the interface and the classes for modifying the scores of documents after an score has been assigned to documents, or implementing the combination of evidence. 
org.terrier.matching.models Provides the classes that implement various weighting models. 
org.terrier.structures Provides the classes that implement the data structures used for retrieval with the Terrier platform. 

Uses of EntryStatistics in org.terrier.matching

Fields in org.terrier.matching with type parameters of type EntryStatistics
protected  List<EntryStatistics> PostingListManager.termStatistics
          EntryStatistics for each term

Methods in org.terrier.matching that return EntryStatistics
 EntryStatistics PostingListManager.getStatistics(int i)
          Returns the EntryStatistics corresponding to the specified term
 EntryStatistics MatchingQueryTerms.getStatistics(String term)
          Returns the assocciated code of the given query term.
static EntryStatistics PostingListManager.mergeStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats)
          Knows how to merge several EntryStatistics for a single effective term

Methods in org.terrier.matching with parameters of type EntryStatistics
 void PostingListManager.addSingleTerm(String queryTerm, double weight, EntryStatistics entryStats, WeightingModel[] wmodels)
          Add a single term to those to be matched for this query.
 void PostingListManager.addSingleTermAlternatives(String[] terms, String stringForm, double weight, EntryStatistics[] entryStats, WeightingModel[] wmodels)
          Adds a synonym group to the matching process.
 void PostingListManager.addSingleTermAlternatives(String[] terms, String stringForm, double weight, EntryStatistics entryStats, WeightingModel[] wmodels)
          Adds a synonym group to the matching process.
static EntryStatistics PostingListManager.mergeStatistics(EntryStatistics[] entryStats)
          Knows how to merge several EntryStatistics for a single effective term
 void MatchingQueryTerms.setTermProperty(String term, EntryStatistics stats)
          Sets the term statistics for the given query term.

Constructors in org.terrier.matching with parameters of type EntryStatistics
MatchingQueryTerms.QueryTermProperties(int _index, double w, EntryStatistics _stats)
          A constructor for setting the weight of a term and its term code.
MatchingQueryTerms.QueryTermProperties(int _index, double w, WeightingModel model, EntryStatistics _stats)
          A constructor for setting a weight, a term score modifier and the term code for a query term.
MatchingQueryTerms.QueryTermProperties(int _index, EntryStatistics _stats)
          An constructor for setting the term code of a query term.
MatchingQueryTerms.QueryTermProperties(int _index, WeightingModel model, EntryStatistics _stats)
          A constructor for setting a term score modifier for a term and its term code.

Uses of EntryStatistics in org.terrier.matching.dsms

Methods in org.terrier.matching.dsms with parameters of type EntryStatistics
protected  void DependenceScoreModifier.determineGlobalStatistics(String[] terms, EntryStatistics[] es, boolean SD)
          unused hook method
protected  void DependenceScoreModifier.doDependency(Index index, EntryStatistics[] es, IterablePosting[] ips, ResultSet rs, double[] phraseTermWeights, boolean SD)

Uses of EntryStatistics in org.terrier.matching.models

Fields in org.terrier.matching.models declared as EntryStatistics
protected  EntryStatistics

Methods in org.terrier.matching.models with parameters of type EntryStatistics
 void WeightingModel.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics _es)
          Sets entry statistics.
 void PerFieldNormWeightingModel.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics _es)
          Sets entry statistics.
 void ML2.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics _es)
          Sets entry statistics.
 void MDL2.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics _es)
          Sets entry statistics.
 void DFRWeightingModel.setEntryStatistics(EntryStatistics _es)
          Sets entry statistics.

Uses of EntryStatistics in org.terrier.structures

Subinterfaces of EntryStatistics in org.terrier.structures
 interface BlockEntryStatistics
          Interface describing the statistics for a block entry.
 interface FieldEntryStatistics
          The statistics for a field entry

Classes in org.terrier.structures that implement EntryStatistics
 class BasicLexiconEntry
          Contains all the information about one entry in the Lexicon.
 class BasicTermStatsLexiconEntry
          A LexiconEntry which only contains EntryStatistics
 class BlockFieldLexiconEntry
          A LexiconEntry with field support
 class BlockLexiconEntry
          Blocks lexicon entry.
 class FieldLexiconEntry
          A LexiconEntry with field support
 class LexiconEntry
          Represents the statistics of a term in the Lexicon, and a pointer to the term's location in the InvertedIndex.

Methods in org.terrier.structures that return EntryStatistics
 EntryStatistics LexiconEntry.getWritableEntryStatistics()
 EntryStatistics EntryStatistics.getWritableEntryStatistics()
          Get a copy of these entry statistics that can be reused.

Methods in org.terrier.structures with parameters of type EntryStatistics
 void FieldLexiconEntry.add(EntryStatistics le)
 void EntryStatistics.add(EntryStatistics e)
          Increment the statistics of this object by that of another
 void BlockLexiconEntry.add(EntryStatistics le)
          increment this lexicon entry by another
 void BasicTermStatsLexiconEntry.add(EntryStatistics le)
          Increment the statistics of this object by that of another
 void BasicLexiconEntry.add(EntryStatistics le)
          increment this lexicon entry by another
protected  void LexiconOutputStream.incrementCounters(EntryStatistics t)
 void EntryStatistics.subtract(EntryStatistics e)
          Decrement the statistics of this object by that of another
 void BlockLexiconEntry.subtract(EntryStatistics le)
          alter this lexicon entry to subtract another lexicon entry
 void BasicTermStatsLexiconEntry.subtract(EntryStatistics le)
          Decrement the statistics of this object by that of another
 void BasicLexiconEntry.subtract(EntryStatistics le)
          alter this lexicon entry to subtract another lexicon entry

Terrier 3.6. Copyright © 2004-2011 University of Glasgow