Package org.terrier.structures.indexing

Provides the classes used for creating the data structures of the Terrier platform.


Interface Summary
LexiconBuilder.CollectionStatisticsCounter Counter of LexiconEntries

Class Summary
BlockDocumentPostingList Represents the postings of one document, and saves block (term position) information.
BlockFieldDocumentPostingList BlockFieldDocumentPostingList class
BlockFieldLexiconMap BlockFieldLexiconMap class
BlockInvertedIndexBuilder Builds an inverted index saving term-block information.
BlockLexiconBuilder Deprecated.  
BlockLexiconMap LexiconMap implementation that also keeps track of the number of blocks that a term occurrs in.
CompressingMetaIndexBuilder Creates a metaindex structure that compresses all values using Deflator.
CompressingMetaIndexBuilder.KeyedPartitioner class KeyedPartitioner
DocumentIndexBuilder A builder for the document index.
DocumentPostingList Represents the postings of one document.
FieldDocumentPostingList FieldDocumentPostingList class
FieldLexiconMap class FieldLexicanMap
InvertedIndexBuilder Builds an inverted index.
LexiconBuilder Builds temporary lexicons during indexing a collection and merges them when the indexing of a collection has finished.
LexiconBuilder.BasicLexiconCollectionStaticticsCounter counts global statistics in the non-fields case
LexiconBuilder.FieldLexiconCollectionStaticticsCounter counts global statistics in the fields case
LexiconMap This class keeps track of the total counts of terms within a bundle of documents being indexed.
MetaIndexBuilder Abstract class for writing document metadata.

Package org.terrier.structures.indexing Description

Provides the classes used for creating the data structures of the Terrier platform.

These include the builders of the inverted index, the direct index, the lexicon and the document index.

Terrier 3.5. Copyright © 2004-2011 University of Glasgow