Package org.terrier.matching.tsms

Provides the interface and classes that implement the term score modifiers, which modify the scores assigned to documents for a particular term.


Interface Summary
TermScoreModifier Deprecated. Use WeightingModel instead.

Class Summary
RequiredTermModifier Resets the scores of documents according to whether a term is required or not, and whether it appears in the retrieved documents.
TermInFieldModifier Resets the scores of documents according to whether a term appears in a given set of fields.

Package org.terrier.matching.tsms Description

Provides the interface and classes that implement the term score modifiers, which modify the scores assigned to documents for a particular term. The classes include an implementation of searching for terms that appear in given fields. In general, the TermScoreModifiers is now deprecated. All implementations should use WeightingModel instead.

Terrier 3.5. Copyright © 2004-2011 University of Glasgow