Package org.terrier.applications

Provides application-level code that use the Terrier platform to perform indexing and retrieval from either standard test collections, interactive querying of a indexed collection, or desktop search.


Interface Summary
TRECQuerying.OutputFormat interface for adjusting the output of TRECQuerying
TRECQuerying.QueryResultCache Interface for introducing caching strategies into TRECQuerying
TRECQuerying.QuerySource This interface denotes a source of queries for batch evaluation

Class Summary
FileFind Takes a list of paths and filenames on the command line, and finds all the files in those directories, displaying only absolute filenames on Standard Output.
HadoopIndexing Main run class for the MapReduce indexing system.
InteractiveQuerying This class performs interactive querying at the command line.
TRECIndexing This class creates the indices for a test collection.
TRECQuerying This class performs a batch mode retrieval from a set of TREC queries.
TRECQuerying.NullOutputFormat An OutputFormat instance which does nothing.
TRECQuerying.TRECDocidOutputFormat OutputFormat for writing TREC runs where the docnos are NOT looked up, but instead the (integer, internal) docids are recorded in the .res file.
TRECQuerying.TRECDocnoOutputFormat Standard OutputFormat for writing TREC runs
TRECQueryingExpansion Deprecated. This class performs a batch mode retrieval for a set of TREC queries using query expansion.
TRECSetup This method is for setting the correct file and directory names in the files etc/collection.spec, etc/, etc.
TrecTerrier The text-based application that handles querying with Terrier, for TREC-like test collections.

Package org.terrier.applications Description

Provides application-level code that use the Terrier platform to perform indexing and retrieval from either standard test collections, interactive querying of a indexed collection, or desktop search.

Terrier 3.5. Copyright © 2004-2011 University of Glasgow