Package org.terrier.indexing.tokenisation

Provides classes related to the tokenisation of documents.


Class Summary
EnglishTokeniser Tokenises text obtained from a text stream assuming English language.
IdentityTokeniser A Tokeniser implementation that returns the input as is.
Tokeniser A tokeniser class is responsible for tokenising a block of text.
TokenStream Represents a stream of tokens found by a tokeniser.
UTFTokeniser Tokenises text obtained from a text stream.

Package org.terrier.indexing.tokenisation Description

Provides classes related to the tokenisation of documents. Tokenisers are responsible for breaking chunks of text into words to be indexed. Different tokenisers may be used for different languages. In particular, two tokenisers are provided by Terrier:

In addition, both default Tokenisers apply rules such as:

Example Code

//get the default tokeniser, as set by property tokeniser
Tokeniser tokeniser = Tokeniser.getTokeniser();
String sentence = "This is a sentence.";
TokenStream toks = tokeniser.tokenise(new StringReader(sentence));
  String token =;

Terrier 3.5. Copyright © 2004-2011 University of Glasgow