Terrier IR Platform

Package uk.ac.gla.terrier.sorting

Provides the classes that implement the sorting of various arrays for the Terrier platform.


Class Summary
HeapSort An implementation of the heap sort algorithm as described in Cormen et al.
HeapSortInt An implementation of the heap sort algorithm as described in Cormen et al.
SortAscendingPairedVectors This class sorts a pair of arrays, where the corresponding entries are related.
SortAscendingQuadrupleVectors This class sorts four arrays, where the corresponding entries are related.
SortAscendingQuintupleVectors This class sorts five arrays, where the corresponding entries are related.
SortAscendingTripleVectors This class sorts five arrays, where the corresponding entries are related.
SortAscendingVectors This class sorts one or more arrays, based on sorting a key array, ie where the corresponding entries are related.
SortDescendingPairedVectors This class sorts a pair of arrays, where the corresponding entries are related.

Package uk.ac.gla.terrier.sorting Description

Provides the classes that implement the sorting of various arrays for the Terrier platform.

Used by indexing and retrieval

Terrier IR Platform

Terrier Information Retrieval Platform 2.2.1. Copyright 2004-2008 University of Glasgow