Terrier IR Platform

Package uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures

Provides the classes that implement the data structures used for retrieval with the Terrier platform.


Interface Summary
Closeable Marks an index structure class that can be closed.

Class Summary
BlockDirectIndex Extended direct index that saves both block and field information about the terms that appear in a document.
BlockDirectIndexInputStream This class reads the block field direct index structure sequentially, as an input stream.
BlockInvertedIndex This class implements the block field inverted index for performing retrieval.
BlockLexicon A lexicon class that saves the number of different blocks a term appears in.
BlockLexiconInputStream An input stream for accessing sequentially the entries of a block lexicon.
BlockLexiconOutputStream An output stream for writing the lexicon to a file sequentially.
CollectionStatistics This class provides basic statistics for the indexed collection of documents, such as the average length of documents, or the total number of documents in the collection.
DirectIndex A class that implements the direct index and saves information about whether a term appears in one of the specified fields.
DirectIndexInputStream This class reads the direct index structure, sequentially, as an input stream.
DocumentIndex This class provides an interface for accessing the document index file.
DocumentIndexEncoded A document index class which reads the .docid file and keeps its contents in a array of bytes in memory.
DocumentIndexInMemory This class extends DocumentIndex, but instead of accessing the disk file each time, the data are loaded into memory, in order to decrease access time.
DocumentIndexInputStream This class provides access to the document index file sequentially, as a stream.
DocumentIndexOutputStream A DocumentIndexOutputStream.
ExpansionTerms This class implements a data structure of terms in the top-retrieved documents.
FilePosition Models a position within a file as the offset in bytes and the offset in bits in that byte.
Index This class encapsulates all the Indexes at retrieval time.
InvertedIndex This class implements the inverted index for performing retrieval, with field information optionally.
Lexicon The class that implements the lexicon structure.
LexiconEntry Contains all the information about one entry in the Lexicon.
LexiconInputStream This class implements an input stream for the lexicon structure.
LexiconOutputStream This class implements an output stream for the lexicon structure.
Query Deprecated.  
SingleLineTRECQuery This class can be used to extract batch queries from a simpler format than the TREC format.
TRECQuery This class is used for reading the queries from TREC topic files.
UTFBlockLexicon A lexicon class that saves the number of different blocks a term appears in, using UTF encoding of Strings.
UTFBlockLexiconInputStream An input stream for accessing sequentially the entries of a block lexicon.
UTFBlockLexiconOutputStream An output stream for writing the lexicon to a file sequentially.
UTFLexicon The class that implements the lexicon structure.
UTFLexiconInputStream This class implements an input stream for the lexicon structure.
UTFLexiconOutputStream This class implements an output stream for the lexicon structure.

Package uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures Description

Provides the classes that implement the data structures used for retrieval with the Terrier platform.

These include the implementations of the inverted index, the direct index, the lexicon and the document index.

Terrier IR Platform

Terrier Information Retrieval Platform 1.1.1. Copyright 2004-2007 University of Glasgow