Terrier IR Platform

Package uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.tsms

Provides the interface and classes that implement the term score modifiers, which modify the scores assigned to documents for a particular term.


Interface Summary
TermScoreModifier The interface that should be implemented by each class that assigns or modifies a score of a term for a document.

Class Summary
FieldScoreModifier Modifies the scores of a term for a document, given the tags the term appears in the document.
RequiredTermModifier Resets the scores of documents according to whether a term is required or not, and whether it appears in the retrieved documents.
TermInFieldModifier Resets the scores of documents according to whether a term appears in a given set of fields.

Package uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.tsms Description

Provides the interface and classes that implement the term score modifiers, which modify the scores assigned to documents for a particular term. The classes include an implementation of searching for terms that appear in given fields.

Terrier IR Platform

Terrier Information Retrieval Platform 1.1.1. Copyright 2004-2007 University of Glasgow