Terrier IR Platform

Package uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching

Provides the classes and interfaces used for matching documents to queries.


Interface Summary
Model This interface encapsulates all the common functionality between standard IR models (including DFR models, TF/IDF, BM25 etc), and Language Modelling models (Terrier includes PonteCroft Language Modelling model).
ResultSet The interface that defines the functionalities of a result set.

Class Summary
CollectionResultSet This class implements the interface ResultSet and models the set of all documents in the collection.
LMMatching Performs the matching of documents for language modelling with a query, by assigning scores to documents for each query in the lexicon according to the term's occurrences in the document and in the query.
Matching Performs the matching of documents with a query, by first assigning scores to documents for each query term and modifying these scores with the appropriate modifiers.
MatchingQueryTerms Models a query used for matching documents.
QueryResultSet A result set for a given query.

Package uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching Description

Provides the classes and interfaces used for matching documents to queries. It includes the classes that perform the matching by reading information from the inverted index etc., and the classes that model the set of retrieved documents.

Terrier IR Platform

Terrier Information Retrieval Platform 1.1.1. Copyright 2004-2007 University of Glasgow