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Terrier Components

On this page we will give an overview of Terrier's main components and their interaction.

Component Interaction


The graphic below gives an overview of the interaction of the main components involved in the indexing process.

Indexing Architecture Overview


The graphic below gives an overview of the interaction of Terrier's components in the retrieval phase.

Retrieval Architecture Overview

Component description

Here we provide a listing and brieft description of Terrier's components.


Name Description
Collection This component encapsulates the most fundamental concept to indexing with Terrier - a Collection i.e. a set of documents. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.indexing.Collection for more details.
Document This component encapsulates the concept of a document. It is essentially an Iterator over terms in a document. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.indexing.Document for more details.
TermPipeline Models the concept of a component in a pipeline of term processors. Classes that implement this interface could be stemming algorithms, stopwords removers, or acronym expanders just to mention few examples. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.terms.TermPipeline for more details.
Indexer The component responsible for managing the indexing process. It instantiates TermPipelines and Builders. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.indexing.Indexer for more details.
Builders Builders are responsible for writing an index to disk. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.indexing package for more details.

Data Structures

Name Description
BitFile A highly compressed I/O layer using gamma and unary encodings. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.compression.BitFile for more details.
Direct Index The direct index stores the identifiers of terms that appear in each document and the corresponding frequencies. It is used for automatic query expansion, but can also be used for user profiling activities. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.DirectIndex for more details.
Document Index The document index stores information about each document for example the document length and identifier, and a pointer to the corresponding entry in the direct index. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.DocumentIndex for more details.
Inverted Index The inverted index stores the posting lists, i.e. the identifiers of the documents and their corresponding term frequencies. Moreover it is capable of storing the position of terms within a document. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.InvertedIndex for more details.
Lexicon The lexicon stores the collection vocabulary and the corresponding document and term frequencies. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.structures.Lexicon for more details.


Name Description
Manager This component is responsible for handling/coordinating the main high-level operations of a query. These are:
  • Pre Processing (Term Pipeline, Control finding, term aggregation)
  • Matching
  • Post-processing
  • Post-filtering
See uk.ac.gla.terrier.querying.Manager for more details.
Matching The matching component is responsible for determining which documents match a specific query and for scoring documents with respect to a query. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.Matching for more details.
Query The matching component is responsible for determining which documents match a specific query and for scoring documents with respect to a query. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.querying.parser.Query for more details.
Weighting Model The Weighting model represents the retrieval model that is used to weight the terms of a document. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.models.WeightingModel for more details.
Document Score Modifiers Responsible for query dependent modification document scores. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.dsms package for more details.
Term Score Modifiers Modifies the scores of the documents for a given set of pointers, or postings. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.matching.tsms package for more details.


Name Description
Trec Terrier An application that enables indexing and querying of TREC collections. See TrecTerrier for more details.
Desktop Terrier An application that allows for indexing and retrieval of local user content. See uk.ac.gla.terrier.applications.desktop package for more details.

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