Interface Evaluation

    • Method Detail

      • evaluate

        void evaluate​(java.lang.String resultFilename)
        Evaluates the given result file for the given qrels file. All subclasses must implement this method.
        resultFilename - java.lang.String the filename of the result file to evaluate.
      • writeEvaluationResult

        void writeEvaluationResult()
        Output the evaluation result to standard output
      • writeEvaluationResult

        void writeEvaluationResult​( out)
        The abstract method that evaluates and prints the results. All the subclasses of Evaluation must implement this method.
        out -
      • writeEvaluationResultOfEachQuery

        void writeEvaluationResultOfEachQuery​(java.lang.String evaluationResultFilename)
        Output the evaluation result of each query to the specific file.
        evaluationResultFilename - String the name of the file in which to save the evaluation results.
      • writeEvaluationResult

        void writeEvaluationResult​(java.lang.String resultEvalFilename)
        Output the evaluation result to the specific file.
        resultEvalFilename - java.lang.String the filename of the file to output the result.