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Terrier provides a Java implementation of trec_eval for evaluating results of TREC adhoc and named-page finding tasks. Before running an evaluation, we need to specify the relevance assessments file in the property trec.qrels. To evaluate all .res result files in folder /var/results, we can type the following:

bin/trec_terrier.sh -e

The above command evaluates each .res file in folder /var/results for TREC adhoc task. We can evaluate for a particular result file by giving the filename in the command line:

bin/trec_terrier.sh -e PL2c1.0_0.res
bin/trec_terrier.sh -e ./var/results/PL2c1.0_0.res

The above command evaluates only ./var/results/PL2c1.0_0.res. For a result file named x.res, the evaluation result is saved in file x.eval, which contains the content as shown in the following example:

Number of queries  = 50
Retrieved          = 48831
Relevant           = 2279
Relevant retrieved = 1814
Average Precision: 0.2977
R Precision      : 0.3271
Precision at    1: 0.5600
Precision at    2: 0.5500
Precision at    3: 0.5400
Precision at    4: 0.5150
Precision at    5: 0.5000
Precision at   10: 0.4540
Precision at   15: 0.4200
Precision at   20: 0.3920
Precision at   30: 0.3280
Precision at   50: 0.2692
Precision at  100: 0.1964
Precision at  200: 0.1329
Precision at  500: 0.0658
Precision at 1000: 0.0363
Precision at   0%: 0.7325
Precision at  10%: 0.6022
Precision at  20%: 0.5180
Precision at  30%: 0.4212
Precision at  40%: 0.3616
Precision at  50%: 0.3026
Precision at  60%: 0.2292
Precision at  70%: 0.1696
Precision at  80%: 0.1151
Precision at  90%: 0.0582
Precision at 100%: 0.0151
Average Precision: 0.2977

The above displayed evaluation measures are averaged over a batch of queries. We can save the average precision of each query by using option -p in the command line:

bin/trec_terrier.sh -e PL2c1.0_0.res -p

The resulting output saved in the corresponding .eval file contains two columns, the first is query id, the second is the average precision for that query.

Named Page Evaluation

In addition to measures traditionally used in evaluating adhoc search tasks, Terrier can also evaluate for measures used in named-page finding tasks, by using option -n:

bin/trec_terrier.sh -e PL2c1.0_0.res -n

The evaluation result, including the average reciprocal rank over all queries, are saved in file var/results/PL2c1.0_0.eval. The evaluation result contains the rank of the first relevant retrieved document for each query. It also contains the overall evaluation information as shown in the following example:

Average Reciprocal Rank: 0.5320129003570543

Percentage of answers found in the first rank: 0.44

Percentage of answers found among the top 5 documents: 3.033333333333333

Percentage of answers found among the top 10 documents: 0.72

Percentage of answers found among the top 20 documents: 0.7933333333333333

Percentage of answers found among the top 50 documents: 0.8666666666666667

Percentage of documents not found in top 50 documents: 0.13333333333333333

If option -p is applied, the .eval file contains the reciprocal rank of each query.


Runs created by Terrier are compatible with the Trec_Eval tool developed by Chris Buckley. You can download Trec_Eval from http://trec.nist.gov/trec_eval/.

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