Query Language |
Terrier offers a flexible and powerful query language for searching with phrases, fields, or specifying that terms are required to appear in the retrieved documents. Some examples of queries are the following:
term1 term2 | retrieves documents that contains 1 or more term1 and term2 (they need not contain both) |
term1^2.3 | the weight of term1 is boosted 2.3. |
+term1 +term2 | retrieves documents that contain both term1 and term2. |
+term1 -term2 | retrieves documents that contain term1 and do not contain term2. |
"term1 term2" | retrieves documents where the terms term1 and term2 appear in a phrase. |
"term1 term2"~n | retrieves documents where the terms term1 and term2 appear within a distance of n blocks. The order of the terms is not considered. |
Combinations of the different constructs are possible as well. For example, the query term1 term2 -"term1 term2" would retrieve all the documents that contain at least one of the terms term1 and term2, but not the documents where the phrase "term1 term2" appears.
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