Package org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass
Provides implementation of the structures needed for performing a single pass indexing
Interface Summary Interface Description SinglePassIndexerFlushDelegate Used byExtensibleSinglePassIndexer
for delegating the flushing of memory. -
Class Summary Class Description BasicSinglePassIndexer This class indexes a document collection (skipping the direct file construction).BlockInverted2DirectIndexBuilder Create a block direct index from a BlockInvertedIndex.BlockSinglePassIndexer Indexes a document collection saving block information for the indexed terms.ExtensibleSinglePassIndexer Directly based on BasicSinglePassIndexer, with just a few modifications to enable some extra hooks.Inverted2DirectCommand Inverted2DirectIndexBuilder Create a direct index from an InvertedIndex.NoDuplicatesSinglePassIndexing Single pass indexer that performs document deduplication based upon the the docno.