Package org.terrier.matching.dsms
Provides the interface and the classes for modifying the scores of documents after an score has been assigned to documents, or implementing the combination of evidence. The implemented classes include phrase and proximity searching.
Interface Summary Interface Description DocumentScoreModifier The interface that should be implemented by each class that assigns or modifies a score of a document. -
Class Summary Class Description BooleanFallback This class provides a boolean fallback document score modifier for matching.BooleanScoreModifier If not all the query terms appear in a document, then this modifier zeros the document's score.DependenceScoreModifier Base class for Dependence models.DFRDependenceScoreModifier Implements the pBiL and pBil2 DFR-based dependence models.MRFDependenceScoreModifier Implements Markov Random Fields.PhraseScoreModifier This is the class performs the re-scoring for a phrase queries.ResetScores Resets the scores in the resultset to 0.00001dSimpleStaticScoreModifier Provides a way to integrate a static (query independent) document (prior) feature into the document scores.